-Yes, I did. It was great.
B. Have;seen
C. Will ;see
D. were; seen
试题【-__________ you __________ the football match yesterday?-Yes, I did. It was grea】;主要考察你对一般过去时等知识点的理解。[详细]
B. didn"t enjoy
C. haven"t enjoyed
D. have enjoyed
1. Our team s _____ two goals in the last football match.
2. Don"t k _____ a ball in the street . It is too d _____.
3. Taiwan b _____ to China from ancient times
4. All living things d _____ on the sun for their growth
5. We have walked all day. Are you tired? A _____.
6. Everyday the e _____ receives many letters from readers.
7. When you come across the new word , you will look up it in a d _____.
8. When you a _____ three to five , you will get eight.
B. married, have been married
C. have married , have married
—Yes. I _____ it last year.
B. saw
C. have seen
D. was seeing
B. are taken
C. were taken
- 1The cat padded across the road and towards the bushes just _
- 2若(a-2)2+|b+3|=0,则(a+b)2007的值是[ ]A.0 B.1 C.-1 D.2007
- 3我国华北地区某学校操场有一垂直于地面的旗杆,请回答:(1)一年中正午杆影始终指向当地的 ______方向。当一年
- 4下列各句中,没有语病的一句是( ) A.今年他带来的是《王蒙自
- 5化简:18-8=______.
- 62011年1月1日9时56分在新疆维吾尔自治区克孜勒苏柯尔克孜自治州乌恰县(北纬39.4,东经75.2)发生5.1级地震
- 7A: It’s Sunday tomorrow. 小题1:B: Oh, I will watch a footbal
- 8“合欢树”在文章《合欢树》中的作用是什么?____________________________
- 9阅读文章,回答下面的问题。花边饺子 ①小时候,包饺子是我家的一桩大事。那时候,家里生活拮据,吃饺子当然只能等到年节。平
- 10在相同质量、等质量分数的三份稀盐酸中,分别加入①MgO,②Mg(OH)2,③MgCO3三种物质,均能恰好完全反应,分别得
- 1如图所示,一条铁链长为2m,质量为 10 kg,放在水平地面上,拿住一端提起铁链直到铁链全部离开地面的瞬间,物体克服重力
- 2默写苏轼的《记承天寺夜游》全文。_______________________________
- 3矩形ABCD的周长为40cm,O是它的对角线交点,△AOB比△AOD周长多4cm,则它的各边之长为______.
- 4 — It will be terrible to see the nuclear war happen between
- 5_______的现象叫扩散。______的现象表明,一切物体的分子都在不停地做无规则运动。
- 6两个额定电压为220V的白炽灯L1和L2的U-I特性曲线如图所示,L2的额定功率约为 __________W;现将L1和
- 7如图所示,都是一个汉字的一半,你能想象出它的另一半并确定它是什么字吗?
- 8读下列三幅图(图a、图b、图c),完成下列各题。(1)写出图a中所示河流流经的主要地形区名称,在秋季河水自①城流至②城需
- 9完形填空。 My mother was the one who always beat me. I always
- 10如图5-3-9所示,环保人员在一次检查时发现,有一根很大的排污管正在向外满口排出大量的污水,这根管道水平放置,管口离开地