B. has a good time
C. had a good time
D. had great time
B. was born; live
C. is born; lives
D. was born; lives
—Yes. I _______ it yesterday.
B. have finished
C. finish
D. will finish
— _______. And it was very wonderful.
B. Yes, I was
C. That"s right
D. You were wrong.
Li Ming and his parents ________ ________ in Shanghai last summer.
2. Linda is old enough to look after herself.
Linda is old enough to ________ ________ of herself.
3. You mustn"t feed the animals in the zoo.
________ ________ the animals in the zoo.
4. The black printer is cheaper than the other printers in the shop.
The black printer is ________ ________ of all the printers in the shop.
5. Last week, I got a letter from a friend of mine.
Last week, I _______ _______ a friend of mine.
B. took .
C. didn"t take
D. don"t take
- 1东亚四强赛由中、日、韩、香港四支球队争夺冠军,假设每场比赛各队取胜的概率相等,任意将这四个队分成两个组(每组两个队)进行
- 2阅读下列材料并回答问题:材料一:清朝乾隆皇帝在致英国国王乔治三世的信中说:天朝物产丰盈,无所不有,原不藉外夷货物以通有无
- 3如图所示,匀强磁场的磁感强度B=2.0T,指向x轴的正方向,且ab=40cm,bc=30cm,ae=50cm,通过面积S
- 4的最小值为 。
- 5下列五个实数:,,(-2)2,tan45°,-|-3|,其中正数的和为:[ ]A.4 B.5 C.6 D.7
- 6 现代著名史学家郭沫若说:“书籍被烧残,其实还在其次,春秋末年以来,蓬蓬勃勃的自由思索的那种精神,事实上因此
- 7古诗文填空。(5题限选4题)(8分) (1)自我徂尔,三岁食贫。淇水汤汤, 。女也不爽,
- 8The goal is to make higher education available to everyone w
- 92008年北京奥运会的奖牌“金镶玉”、火炬“祥云”、吉祥物“福娃”等的设计既具有浓郁的中华文化特色,又融入了现代奥林匹克
- 10语文期刊《咬文嚼字》2012年12月30日发布了“2012年十大流行语”,分别是:“正能量”、“元芳,你怎么看”、“舌尖
- 1—I am going to wear jeans to the party.—If you do, the teach
- 2Teenagers allowed to drive .A. should not be B. should
- 3下列计算中,正确的是( )A.4a-2a=2B.3a2+a=4a2C.-a2-a2=-2a2D.2a2-a=a
- 4物质的量浓度相同的NaCl、MgCl2、AlCl3三种溶液,当溶液体积比为3:2:1时,三种溶液中Cl-的物质的量浓度之
- 5时政点评:2005年春天以来,两岸关系朝着和平稳定的方向发展。请看事件回放:2005年3月,胡锦涛***提出新形势下发展
- 6.若且,直线不通过( )A.第一象限B.第二象限C.第三象限D.第四象限,
- 7如图所示,在倾角为30°的斜面上,质量为0.1kg的小球从斜面上的A点水平抛出落在斜面上的B点,测得AB之间的距离为S=
- 8(1)雷雨天,我们总是先看见闪电而后听到雷声,其中的原因是什么?答:______.(2)在一次雷电时,小明从看到闪电开始
- 9若m与-5互为相反数,则m的负倒数是[ ]A.B.-C.D.-
- 10 过直线y= x上的一点作圆的两条切线,当l1与l2“关于y=x对称时,l1与l2的夹角为A.30°B.45°C.60