B. voice
C. sound
D. noisy
B. northeastern
C. northwest
D. northwestern
2. Now the good method is used in the experiments. (wide)
3. The old man was to the policeman who found the lost car for him. (thank)
4. For the time he became worried about the future because of the global financial crisis
(金融危机). (one)
5. Mother bought a nice dress the day before yesterday, and now she is dressing . (she)
6. Qingming Festival is an important Chinese festival to remember people"s relatives. (die)
7. Professor Brown can still tell quite a few funny , although he is already in his eighties. (story)
8. Bolt in winning the gold medal in the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games.(success)
2. The young people are full of ___________ (精力) that they cannot keep still.
3. They will try their best to ____________ (提高) their English.
4. It is _________ (不同寻常) for him to do such a thing.
5. They often go to the country to enjoy the wild __________ (美景).
6. In the rush hours, the bus is usually so c________ that many people cannot get on.
7. The soldiers got out of the bed when they heard the a_________.
8. Everyone must learn how to c__________ their feelings.
9. Can you give me a d__________ of the museum?
10. Panda lives on a kind of b__________.
B. school
C. factory
D. hospital
- 1阅读下面一段文字,并按要求回答问题。(4分)林子里弥漫着深沉的静寂和安详,苍松翠柏相印成趣。五彩斑斓的野花,遍地都是。林
- 2掷实心球是我市初中生体育测试项目之知.某同学将质量为 2 千克的实心球从地上拿起,用双手举高 2米后用力抛出,球恰好落在
- 3(2011•广州)已知关于x的二次函数y=ax2+bx+c(a>0)的图象经过点C(0,1),且与x轴交于不同的两点A、
- 4频率为60Hz的声音,每分钟振动的次数是A.60次B.1800次 C.3600次D.缺少条件,无法计算
- 5一瓶酒精用去一半,则剩下的酒精( )A.比热容减半B.热值减半C.密度减半D.质量减半
- 6下列各句中,加点的词语使用恰当的一项是(3分) ( )A.日本首相安倍晋三欲通过借子弹给韩国维和部队,来突破“武
- 752°30′36′′=______度,80.48度=______度 ______分 ______秒.
- 8位于上海浦东新区的金茂大厦,是目前中国第一,世界第三高楼.观光厅位于金茂大厦的第88层,高度为340.1米,是目前国内最
- 9如图,两条抛物线、与分别经过点(-2,-1),(2,-3),且平行于轴的两条平行线围成的阴影部分的面积为( )A.
- 10有报道说:我国一家厂商制作了一种特殊的手机,在电池电能耗尽时,摇晃手机,即可产生电能维持通话,摇晃过程是将机械能转化为电
- 1据报道,2011年重庆主城区私家车拥有量近38000辆.将数380000用科学记数法表示为( )
- 2据英国《每日邮报》2008年9月1日报道,最新卫星照片显示,北极在人类历史上首次成为一个岛屿。结合下图回答题。小题1:要
- 3氢气是一种清洁能源,氢气的制取与储存是氢能源利用领域的研究热点。已知: CH4(g)+ H2O(g)="===" C
- 4It didn’t surprise us at all_____caused his success.A.whyB.t
- 5下列分数中,能化为有限小数的是( )A.49B.1120C.712D.1730
- 6太阳辐射对地球影响的叙述,正确的是A.太阳辐射是地球上获得能量的唯一源泉B.太阳辐射是地球上地震活动、火山爆发的主要动力
- 7小明同学在烧杯中装入200g水,测得水的温度为20℃,然后用酒精灯给水加热,直至水温上升到70℃。在此过程中,水的内能增
- 8受精卵不断进行分裂,发育成胚泡后移到子宫进一步分裂和分化,形成胚胎,胚胎通过______、______从母体中获得所需要
- 9不定项选择以下的计时数据指时间的是( )A.中央电视台新闻联播节目19时开播B.刘翔用12.88s跑完110m栏C.
- 10Dear editor,I live in a beautiful city. Many visitors come t