Paris is the__________ of France. [ ]
A. city
B. town
C. capital
D. village
A. city
B. town
C. capital
D. village
Confucius is a great ______and thinker whose idea still influences us. [ ]
A. educator
B. scientist
C. inventor
D. musician
A. educator
B. scientist
C. inventor
D. musician
—Could you offer me some ______ about vacation sports?
—Sure. [ ]
A. suggestion
B. messages
C. information
D. advices
—Sure. [ ]
A. suggestion
B. messages
C. information
D. advices
—If you want to sell your old house, why not put an _____in the newspaper?
—That sounds like a good idea. [ ]
A. e-mail
B. advertisement
C. article
D. advice
—That sounds like a good idea. [ ]
A. e-mail
B. advertisement
C. article
D. advice
用所给单词的适当形式填空1.Thomas Edison was a great American __________(invent).
He had more than one thousand __________(invent) in his life.
2. A sweater is used for __________(keep) warm.
3. What are the __________(brush) made of?
4. Jim was seen __________( go) out of the room.
5. Today nylon can __________( find) in many things.
He had more than one thousand __________(invent) in his life.
2. A sweater is used for __________(keep) warm.
3. What are the __________(brush) made of?
4. Jim was seen __________( go) out of the room.
5. Today nylon can __________( find) in many things.
I"m too hungry. Bring me some _____ please. [ ]
A. clothes
B. water
C. bread
D. medicine
A. clothes
B. water
C. bread
D. medicine
- 1【题文】当时,不等式恒成立,则的取值范围是
- 2据报道,“嫦娥二号”探月卫星将于2009年前后发射。其环月飞行的高度距离月球表面100 km,所探测到的有关月球的数据将
- 3“怒潮澎湃,党旗飞扬,这是革命的黄埔……”这首校歌所传颂的军校创建于A.辛亥革命时期B.国民革命时期C.抗日战争时期D.
- 4【题文】秦始皇采取的各项措施中,最能体现封建专制主义中央集权本质特征的是
- 5铝土矿的主要成分是氧化铝(化学式为Al2O3),(1)在氧化铝中氧元素与铝元素的质量比为______(2)170吨含氧化
- 6已知月球到地球间的距离是3.84×105km,如果由地球向月球发射一系列电磁波,需要多长时间才能在地球上接收到由月球反射
- 7She insisted that she ______ somebody in the house.A.should
- 8如图所示,在菱形ABCD中,∠A=60°,AB=4,O为对角线BD的中点,过O点作OE⊥AB,垂足为E。(1)求∠ABD
- 9回顾实验和探究:(1)晓丽在水平面上用木块、木板等研究“影响摩擦力大小的因素”时,记录数据如下:实验次数接触面压力F/N
- 10已知,,则等于( ).A.0.3B.0.9C.0.2D.0.4
- 1英语课上,老师出示了美国三位总统:华盛顿、杰斐逊和林肯的雕像图片,让同学们介绍林肯的贡献,正确的应该是[ ]A.
- 2右图为显微镜下看到的血涂片一个视野请据图回答:①、当人体发生炎症时,其数目增加的是〔 〕 ,它的英文缩写是
- 3正确理解下文给出的文句,对“笑”进行合理想象,补足空缺的文句,注意句子整齐。笑,也是一种运动,它能不断地变化发展。笑,有
- 4一束由红、蓝两单色光(折射率分别为和)组成的光线从一平板玻璃砖的上表面以入射角 射入,穿过玻璃砖从下表面射出,设红光与蓝
- 5过点作两条互相垂直的直线,若交轴于点,交轴于点,求线段的中点的轨迹方程.
- 69.把边长为a的正△ABC沿高线AD折成60的二面角,这时A到边BC的距离是( )A.B.C.D.
- 7物体具有保持原来匀速直线运动状态或静止状态的性质称为惯性。下列关于惯性的说法,正确的是( )A.物体速度越大,惯性越大
- 8.(8分)计算:(1) (2)
- 9求下列各式中的x. ①2(x-1)3=16 ②13(x+12)2-3=0.
- 10下列说法中: ①函数在(0,+∞)是减函数;②在平面上,到定点(2,-1)的距离与到定直线3x-4y-10=0距离相等的