A.neither | B.either | C.both | D.none |
试题【Did you see Peter and Mike? No, I saw ______of them.A.neitherB.eitherC.bothD.non】;主要考察你对物主代词等知识点的理解。[详细]
56. Manatees eat about 100 英磅 a day. 小题1:__________
57. 等 for her made me angry. 小题2: __________
58. Last Sunday, two kids 拜访 me. 小题3: __________
59. I’m more 外向的 than my sister. 小题4: __________
60. He didn’t know what was 发生 outside. 小题5: __________
A.me; his | B.me; her | C.us; this | D.us; her |
小题1:I"d like you to help me because I"m [wi: k] in spoken English.
小题2: Everyone knows that [red] is often used as a danger sign.
小题3: ["lQkili], the man on the bike was not badly hurt.
小题4: [WAks] to your help, I"ve found my lost key.
小题5: Do you know who won the [bCiz] relay race?
小题6: English is used in the world, (wide)
小题7: Spring is the time to plant trees, (good)
小题8:There are many books about music on those. .(shelf)
小题9: There were of people watching the football match at that time yesterday, (million)
小题10:We often go in summer, (swim)
小题11: Fish can"t live water, (with)
小题12: Listen! Who in the next room? (sing)
小题13: 1 think he back in a week, (be)
小题14: The man downstairs found it hard asleep, (fall)
小题15: Last month, in the first match of the 17th World Cup, France 0-1 by a new team—Senegal, (beat)
小题1:This is one of the ________(big) rabbits in the world. He eats 12 carrots, six apples and two cabbages every day.
小题2:My neighbor Helen never talks to me. She is so ______(friendly)
小题3:As we know, Zhang Jiajie is famous for the different _______ (shape) of mountains.
小题4: David is good at drawing and he’s going to be an _______(art) when he grows up.
小题5:The ______(wonder) ocean is the largest habitat in the world.
小题6: If people don’t have breakfast in the morning, they will feel tired and get angry ______(easy)
—Not ______, mum! I never do the same thing a second time.
A.I | B.me | C.him | D.he |
- 1水是非常良好的溶剂,是生活、生产中最重要的物质,请回答下列问题:(1)KNO3溶于水后得到的溶液,具有稳定性和
- 2My English-Chinese dictionary has disappeared. Who _____ hav
- 3_______是生物体的基本结构和功能单位。
- 4 温家宝总理在英国皇家学会发表演讲时说,未来的中国,将是一个经济发达、人民富裕的国家;将是一个充分实现民主法治、公平正义
- 5以“金字塔的国度”著称的文明古国是[ ]A、古埃及B、古印度C、古巴比伦D、古希腊
- 6(5分)甲、乙两同学分别用铝块、水来探究“物质的质量与体积的关系”.甲同学用天平、量筒、铝块和水进行实验,所记录的数据在
- 72011年是辛亥革命胜利100周年,海峡两岸都举行了不同形式的纪念活动。以此来缅怀中国民主革命的先行者孙中山先生。(1)
- 8下列各组词语中,没有错别字的一组是A.暴涨辨驳被水一战争闯名牌B.牟利葱茏崭露头脚感情不合C.爆满泊位性格不和既往不究D
- 9【题文】下图为某河流水系图,读图完成下列问题。【小题1】绘制XY地形剖面图,为突出图中沿线的地势起伏状况,绘图时应(
- 10下列物质在空气中长时间的敞口放置,质量增加并且变质的是( )A.浓硫酸B.浓盐酸C.纯碱D.氢氧化钠
- 1读我国铁路干线分布图,回答下列问题:①铁路枢纽城市:A______B______C______.②在铁路枢纽D处交汇的铁
- 24弧度角的终边在第______象限.
- 3要在下图为甲、乙两县城之间设计一条公路,从经济、社会效益综合考虑,四个方案中最合理的是A.①B.②C.③D.④
- 4将Mg条、Al条平行插入一定浓度的NaOH溶液中,用导线、电流计连接成原电池,此电池工作时,下列叙述中正确的是 A
- 5阅读下列材料,回答问题。材料一 二人转已有近300年的历史,作为一种传统艺术,曾受到广大人民的喜爱。但传统二人转以唱为主
- 6如图,在纸上剪下一个圆形和一个扇形的纸片,若它们恰好能围成一个圆锥模型,圆的半径为r,扇形的半径为R,扇形的圆心角等于9
- 720世纪30年代,世界人民的反法西斯斗争遭受挫折的主要原因是[ ]A.没有正确的政策和策略作指导B.法西斯势力强
- 8It’s surprising that your brother _____ Russian so quickly—h
- 9I prefer _________ some shopping to ________ camping since t
- 102013年12月初,上海遭遇最严重的雾霾天气,空气质量持续重度污染.某教室安装新型空气净化器,每小时可将含量降低.该净化