A. Both B. Either C. Neither
试题分析:句意为:任意一个都行。我真的不介意。Both:两者都, Either :任意一个都, Neither:两者都不。根据后句I really don’t mind.可知,任意一个都不介意。故选B。
---Yes, _________ of us are going to the home for the elderly.
A.each | B.either | C.both | D.all |
小题1:The teacher showed great ____________ to jump into the river to save the poor boy. (勇气)
小题2:In the northern part of China, the lake is as ________________ as glass in winter because it isturned into ice. (光滑的)
小题3:When you try to get a good job, you will be at a big _____________ if you don’t go to a gooduniversity.(劣势)
小题4:China took action to search for the missing plane---MH370 __________ after getting the news. (立即)
小题1:His effort made the two companies reach an _____________ in the end. (agree)
小题2:These engineers __________ developed a new kind of energy saving car last year. (success)
小题3:We all felt ___________ to find out he wasn’t involved in this murder. (relax)
小题4:He has lung cancer because of ___________ second hand smoke for many years. (breathe)
小题1:It is known to all that paper __________ in China by Cai Lun long, long ago. (invent)
小题2:Li Qi put all his effort into ___________ singing and finally came first in the Voice of China.
小题3:Could you tell me if the subway (地铁) _____________ in use in Wuxi in the near future. (be)
小题4:I didn’t go to see the film Lost In Thailand with other people last night for I ____________ it
twice. (see)
小题5:While the rich man _________ around the square, the kidnapping suddenly took place. (walk)
小题6:Will you be pleased if you______________ the job. (offer)
小题7:Files directed by Beijing TV Station ___________ many mysteries in history. (cover)
小题8:So far, Liu Shishi _________ in quite a few hot TV plays, so she is popular these days. (act)
小题1:You have to be (耐心)if you are at the end of a long queue.
小题2:When he was young, he ________(拒绝)to share a room with his sister.
小题3:It’s really true that development never stops _______(贯穿)history.
小题4:There is no ________(怀疑)that the breaking news has spread across the country.
- 1在公民的政治生活中,衡量公民参与感、责任感的重要尺度是[ ]A.是否直接参与了国家事务的管理 B.是否直接参与了
- 2长辈、亲朋常常是我们生活的向导,然而他们的思想言行必然反映社会的复杂性。对长辈的言行我们要( )①分清是非,问
- 3下图中阴影部分为我国“三江源自然保护区”,读图回答下列问题。(1)三江源地区是 、 、 的
- 4下列对课文内容分析不正确的一项是( )A.《烛之武退秦师》开篇提到“晋侯、秦伯围郑,以其无礼于晋,且贰于楚也”,从
- 5下列是关于细胞分裂过程中细胞内变化的叙述,能正确表示一个细胞周期内分裂过程的顺序是 ①两个相同DNA分子完全分开 ②出现
- 6在四边形中,如果,且,则四边形的形状为 ( )A.梯形B.菱形C.长方形D.正方形
- 7哈佛大学教授弗格森将1989年11月9日柏林墙的坍塌视为“世界经济的转折点”。其主要依据是A.不诉诸武力的冷战方式保障了
- 8图中有甲、乙、丙、丁四种物质,用线相连的物质间在一定条件下可以发生反应,下表中的四组物质符合如图所示关系的是( )甲乙
- 9图为沿W和120E经线圈部分陆地气候类型分布示意图(阴影部分),O为极点,A、B均位于赤道上。①~③表示气候类型。读图回
- 10依次填入下列句子横线的词语,最恰当的一项是[ ]①5月12日14时28分,发生在汶川的8级________地震瞬
- 1已知:2x+3y-4=0,求4x•8y的值.
- 2在一个密闭容器内X、Y、Z、Q四种物质,在一定条件下充分反应,测得反应前后各物质的质量如下表:则该密闭容器中发生的反应的
- 3在我国的吐鲁番盆地有“早穿皮袄午穿纱”的说法,这说明当地A.日平均气温高B.气温年较差大C.气温日较差大D.蒸发量较大
- 4下列哪项是保护当地生态环境的计划( )A.给烟囱安装除尘装置B.骑自行车C.城市垃圾集中处理D.以上都是
- 5一个健康正常的成年男子体内每个精子中染色体数目可以表述为A.44+XYB.22+X和22+YC.22+XYD.22+X或
- 6牛的毛色有黑色和棕色,如果两头黑牛交配生出一头棕色小牛,请回答。 (1)黑色和棕色哪种是显性性状__________。
- 7材料一:某中学高一同学在探讨对消费的认识时,甲、乙、丙同学各自发表了自己的见解。甲同学说:“我的手机必须与众不同,管它是
- 8(本题满分12分)已知命题p:方程有两个不相等的实根;q:不等式的解集为R;若p或q为真,p且q为假,求实数m的取值范围
- 9公共汽车上的一些设施和做法与物理原理相对应,其中正确的一组是[ ]A.公共汽车在后门上方安装的摄像头——利用凸透
- 10如图,是一个三角形测平架,已知AB=AC,在BC的中点D挂一个重锤,自然下垂,调整架身,使点A恰好在重锤线上,AD和BC