B. kinds of; kind of
C. kind of; kind of
D. kind of; kinds of
—Of course, I know.
B. tooth; feet
C. teeth; foot
D. tooth; foot
1. She took a handful of sand and then let it fall through her f_______.
2. Pass the s_______ to me, please. I want to taste the soup.
3. We are going to have a l_______ party before leaving school.
4. In China, dinner is usually s_______ around 12 o"clock.
5.—Hi, Tom. Could you help me cut up the meat for dumplings?
—OK, Mum. But where is the k_______?
2. Can you go __________(shop) with me this weekend?
3. Mary"s uncle __________(take) her to Hong Kong three months ago.
4. Beijing and Xi"an are the names of two big __________(city) in China.
5. December is the __________(twelve) month of a year.
6. The baby __________(stop) crying and listened to music.
7. He works very hard __________(improve) his English.
8. Her mother is often __________(worry) about her.
9. He __________(be) 14 years old next week.
10. I often hear the girl __________(sing) beautiful songs at home.
2. Everyone was very s______.
3. Lisa showed us some e______.
4. Jenny often ______(梳) her long hair in the morning.
5. We ______(站立) up, when teachers come in.
- 1关于分子的热运动,下述正确的是( )A.分子的热运动就是布朗运动B.将碳素墨水滴入清水中,观察到的布朗运动是碳分子无规
- 2用括号中的词适当形式填空.1. -Excuse me, Tony. Is this _______ ( you) n
- 3读“等高线地形图”,完成下列内容:(1)图中字母分别表示的地形部位是:A______,B______,E______.(
- 4如果执行右面的程序框图,那么输出的 .
- 5浓硫酸敞口长期存放会质量增加,这是因为它具有______;在稀释浓硫酸时,一定要______,并不断______.将生锈
- 6 He worked late last night, ______, early this morning.A.tha
- 7阅读理解 The shortage of clean drinking water is a major pro
- 8北国风光,千里冰封,万里雪飘。望长城内外,惟余莽莽;大河上下,顿失滔滔。山舞银蛇,原驰蜡象,欲与天公试比高。须晴日,看红
- 9我国的民营经济包括个体经济和私营经济。与个体经济相比,私营经济①规模较大,设备较先进 ②劳动生产率较高,对提高国家
- 10半坡氏族居民生产的陶器主要是 [ ]A.彩陶 B.黑陶 C.白陶 D.青陶
- 1下列排列顺序完全正确的组合是( ) ①溶解性:Na2CO3>NaHCO3>AgCl>AgI ②氧化性:M
- 2展开式中不含项的系数的和为( )A.-1B.0C.1D.2
- 3近年来,一些稀奇古怪的灰色童谣、消极颓废的低俗歌曲,花样繁多的网络恶搞、庸俗无聊的垃圾短信等,在渐渐侵蚀着未成年人的精神
- 4阅读下面例题:计算4+15-4-15.∵(4+15-4-15)2=4+15-24+15•4-15+4-15=6而4+15
- 5***在《国共合作成立后的迫切任务》一文中说:“由于两党在一定纲领上合作,发动了1924~1927年的革命。孙中山致力于
- 6阳阳和爸爸妈妈一起去外地旅游,在那里,他们喝到了新鲜的牛奶和奶茶,还参加了一种叫那达慕的盛会,领略了激动人心的赛马、射箭
- 7如图所示,一束光线经平面镜反射后,照到墙上的E点.若要使反射光射到墙上的F点,可采用的方法是( )A.平面镜不动,入射
- 8下列加点字的注音完全正确的一项是( )A.萌发(míng)、翩然(pián)、炎热(yán)、孕育(yùn)B.调查
- 92007年4月29日和5月1日,河南省商丘市连续发生两起青少年不会游泳,但却见义勇为,毫不犹豫地跳入水中,舍己救人,而献
- 10从一个细胞到“小帅哥”,让我们看到了生命发生的奇妙变化。(1)我的生命开始于被称为______细胞。出生前的我舒适地生活