当前位置:初中试题 > 英语试题 > 划线提问型 > 下面是一些同学对课外活动的看法,请仔细阅读下列短文,按信息卡内容要求填入相关信息。Mike Smith: We have many after-class ac...
Mike Smith: We have many after-class activities in school—English corner, hand-writing lessons, playing basketball, playing chess, dancing and so on. Students in our school can choose any kind of activities they like.
Jane White: I’m a member of the music club in our school. I can learn different kind of music instruments. It’s fun.
Frank Green: I take park in drawing and English corner after class. I benefit a lot from the activities. I can not only improve my abilities of drawing and spoken English, but also make some new friends who have the same hobbies as me.
Amy young: Some teachers think after-class activities take up too much time. But as a student, I think it’s necessary for schools to give us the chance to improve our other abilities after class. We are under great pressure with too much homework and exams. We need time to relax.
Information card
Kinds of after-class activities
  1 , hand-writing lessons, playing basketball,   2 , dancing, instrument playing and   3 
Advantages of after-class activities
●a good chance to improve students’ other abilities
●a good chance to  4  
●to help students to   5 


小题1:English corner                        
小题2:playing chess 
小题4:make some new friends 
试题【下面是一些同学对课外活动的看法,请仔细阅读下列短文,按信息卡内容要求填入相关信息。Mike Smith: We have many after-class ac】;主要考察你对划线提问型等知识点的理解。[详细]
Happiness is for everyone. You don’t need to care about those people who have beautiful houses with large gardens and swimming pools or those who have nice cars and a lot of money and so on. Why? Because those who have big houses may often feel lonely and those who have cars may want to walk on the country roads at their free time.
In fact, happiness is always around you if you put your heart into it. When you are in trouble at school, your friends will help you; when you study hard at your lessons, your parents are always taking good care of your life and your health; when you get success, your friends will say congratulations to you; when you do something wrong, people around you will help you to correct it. And when you do something good to others, you will feel happy, too. All these are your happiness. If you notice them, you can see that happiness is always around you. Happiness is not the same as money. It is a feeling of your heart. When you are poor, you can also say you are very happy, because you have something else that can’t be bought with money.
When you meet with difficulties, you can say loudly you are happy, because you have more chances to challenge yourself. So you can’t always say you are poor and you have bad luck. As the saying goes, life is like a revolving(旋转) door. When it closes, it also opens. If you take every chance you get, you can be a happy and lucky person.
Information Card
Who can have happiness?
81. ____________________________.
When you do something wrong people
82. ____________ will help you to correct it.
Your friends will say congratulations to you when you get
Even if you are poor you can
84. ____________________________.
You can see that happiness is always around you if you
85. ____________________________.

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It seems that a family just isn’t complete (完整的) without a pet. But if pets aren’t suitable to a family’s lifestyle or environment, they can quickly lead to problems such as stress or arguments (争执). To save yourself and your family such problems, treat this decision seriously.

When choosing a pet, people must consider the family’s health. Many people are allergic (过敏的) to cats and dogs. Perhaps a dog or cat with short hair will be fine. And a dog might not be the best choice for a child who is naughty (顽皮的) because the dog might bite him or her. Some people can also have problems with certain pets. It’s a good idea to spend a little time with the pet around each member of the family before making your decision.
Consider the quality of life of the pet, too. If a pet is used to having space to run around, it can quickly develop psychological (心理的) problems when it is kept in a small flat all day. If pets are allowed to run about in areas with lots of traffic, they can meet an early end. Cats shouldn’t be brought into homes that already have large dogs because they won’t be able to get along well with each other.
The decision as to what kind of pet to choose is very important. If you find the right one to suit (适合) everyone in the family and their lifestyle, then it’s time to choose one. Remember that your decision is important because it can have effects that last for many years.
Considerations When Choosing a Pet
Paragraph Outline (要点)
Supporting Details
Importance of
choosing a pet
●A (1) __________ with a pet seems to be complete.
●Pets can bring some problems if they aren’t suitable to the family.
The family’s health
must be considered
●Many people are allergic to pets with (2)           hair.
●It’s not (3) _________ to choose a dog for a naughty child.
●Some people have problems with some pets.
The pet’s quality of life
●You shouldn’t (4)            a pet in a small flat if it is used to running around.
●Make sure the areas where pets can run about do not have a lot of traffic.
●If your house already has a dog, don’t get a cat.
Choose the right
(5)         of pet
●Find the right one for your family because your choice can have lasting effects.

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What will the home of the future look like? A team of architects (建造师) in Hong Kong say that city homes will be tiny, as populations continue to grow and space becomes more expensive. They have designed “space flats”. 83它们只有30 平米大。These flats have three small rooms, a living room, a bathroom and a bedroom, as well as a balcony (阳台),but everything is carefully planned to make good use of the limited space.
The living room is the main room of the flat. It can be used as an office, a kitchen or even a second bedroom. There is a sofa that can be changed into a bed. The dining table can be changed into a computer desk. And, if not needed, both the sofa-bed and the table can be folded away and stored into a small apace in the wall. There is a flat-screen TV, which can also serve as a computer monitor. In one corner of the room, a small cooker, a microwave oven and a miniature refrigerator are hidden out of sight.
The other rooms are small but useful. The bathroom contains a toilet and a shower. The double bed in the bedroom can also be a sofa, if necessary, The balcony has enough room for two people to sit and enjoy the view from the block of flats. All the rooms have high ceiling to provide as much storage space as possible, while the flat has large windows to let in plenty of sunlight.
“Space flats “are now being tested in a building in Hong Kong. “It’s wonderful,” said one resident(居民) “84. The flat is so well designed that you feel that there is plenty of space”
小题1:Why do the architects think that “Space flats “will be important in the future?
小题2:How many rooms can a “space flat ” have in all ?
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The summer holiday is coming, which can be a relaxing time for sleeping, eating good meals and seeing old friends. Try to take some time off from school and spend a few weeks of fun. Here are some ideas for planning your summer holiday.
First of all, joining a club is a good choice! You can join a music club, a sports club or an art club. It’s good for your future development and the teachers in the club can give you good advice.
Doing something good for society is also great. There are many volunteer(志愿的)programs for you to choose from, such as looking after the old or the young, cleaning the streets, planting trees or keeping the traffic in order. You know that teens can also make the world better.
Have you ever lived with another family? You can join in a program called “Meeting a New Family”. Two families exchange their children for some time so that they can learn how to get on well with others.
Summer camp is still popular today. An English summer camp may be a good choice. You can not only make friends but also practice your English.
Ideas for planning the summer holiday
Idea 1
Idea 2
Idea 3
Idea 4
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案

John’s family is going on vacation next week. They are renting a house in the mountains for a week. John plans to hike and go bike riding there. And he is going to the mountains on Monday, and coming home on Friday. He is having a party on Saturday night. John’s mother is going on Monday, too. She is staying for a week and coming home on Sunday. She plans to take walks with her family in the beautiful countryside. John’s father is working on Monday and Tuesday, so he can’t be in the mountains then. He is going on Wednesday morning. He plans to go fishing, and he is coming home with John’s mother. John’s sister is staying at home. She is taking classes this summer and visiting friends.
Time in the mountains
Monday to   51   
Go hiking and go bike riding.
John’s mother
Monday to Sunday
John’s father
   53  to Sunday
(She isn’t going there)
Stay at home and take classes

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