当前位置:初中试题 > 英语试题 > 划线提问型 > 任务型阅读:根据短文内容,完成下列表格。Sandwich was an Englishman.He lived in the 18th century.Sand...
Sandwich was an Englishman.He lived in the 18th century.Sandwich was rich, but he liked to play cards for money.He often played for 24 hours, and didn’t even stop to have his meals.He ordered his servants(仆人) to bring him some meat and bread.He put the meat between two pieces of bread and held the food in his left hand while he played cards with his right hand.People liked Sandwich’s idea, and from then on they ate bread and meat as Sandwich did.From the name of the man, Sandwich, we have the word of the food sandwich today.
It was the name of 小题1:_____________________________ in the 18th century.
It is now the name of 小题2:___________________________.
Sandwich’s hobby
He liked 小题3:_____________________________ for money and he often played for 小题4:______________________________
Sandwich’s idea   
He would like to put the meat between 小题5:__________while playing cards.

小题1:an Englishman
小题3:to play cards
小题4:24 hours
小题5:two pieces of bread

小题1:通过阅读短文可知,三明治是一个英国人的名字,故填:an Englishman
小题2:根据From the name of the man, Sandwich, we have the word of the food sandwich today.描述可知,现在三明治成为了一种食品的名称。故填:food
小题3:根据he liked to play cards for money.可知他喜欢打扑克,故填:to play cards
小题4:根据He often played for 24 hours,可知填:24 hours
小题5:根据He put the meat between two pieces of bread 可知填:two pieces of bread
试题【任务型阅读:根据短文内容,完成下列表格。Sandwich was an Englishman.He lived in the 18th century.Sand】;主要考察你对划线提问型等知识点的理解。[详细]
School education is very i__小题1:__ and useful. The students both learn k__小题2:__ and get an education. Yet, no one can learn e__小题3:__ from school. The scientists, such as Edison, Newton, Galileo and Einstein, didn’t learn everything from school. They learned a lot of knowledge outside school or in practice b_小题4:__ themselves. A teacher, even he knows a l_小题5:__, can’t teach his students everything.
The teacher’s job is to show his students how to l__小题6:__, how to read and how to think. A good teacher with r__小题7:__ experience in teaching can teach his students the methods(="ways)" of study. Through these methods the students are a __小题8:__ to learn and get a lot of things by themselves.
Usually it is very e_小题9:__ for the students to remember some knowledge, but it is very difficult to u__小题10:__ it for problems. If a teacher really shows the students the ability of how to use knowledge, it means the teacher has learned lots of knowledge by himself . The success in learning shows he or she knows how to study.
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
The Internet has become not only a necessary but also a virtual(虚拟的) world for people. With the development of the Internet, Internet friendship has also become very popular. Online friends are those people who have known each other through the Internet. Making Internet friends is the same as making pen friends. Many famous websites offer quite warm Internet friendship. One can find many people on these websites and they share the same interests. It is difficult to make friends with someone you can’t see or feel. That is the main problem of Internet friendship. A virtual friendship would not last forever without seeing each other, but it is an advantage for some people because they are afraid to speak in pubic.
   On the other hand, the chances(机率) of cheating(欺骗) are very high in an Internet friendship. Some people make friends on the Internet with wrong aims. So while making friends over the Internet, one has to be very careful. Here are some suggestions for you.
Don’t give personal information, such as your telephone number, address, location, school name as well as your parents’ information, to strangers on the Internet.
Do not exchange personal photos of you or any family member with people you meet over the Internet.
Do not go to meet a person you have just met over the Internet. You’d better ask older or other experienced people for advice if you want to go to meet an Internet friend.
Do not accept someone’s request(要求) if you feel he or she is dishonest.
Internet     小题1:   
1. Good for some people who are     小题3:    to speak in public.
2.One can find many people on the websites with the   小题4: interests.
It’s   小题5:   to make friends with someone you can’t see or feel.
Four 小题6:  on making online friends
1.Don’t give your personal information to    小题7:  on the Internet.
2.Don’t   小题8:  your personal photos with the people you meet on the Internet.
3.Ask other people for advice before   小题9: an Internet friend.
4.If you don’t think your Internet friend is   小题10:, don’t accept his/her request.
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
根据短文内容及首字母提示, 补全空格内单词, 使短文完整、通顺,每空一词(共10空;每空1分,满分10分)
H__小题1:___are very important to a person.  W__小题2:__ having any hobby, life won’t be as  colorful as it should be. I have all kinds of hobbies, such as c___小题3:____ stamps, playing musical instruments (乐器),reading, and d__小题4:____ sport activities. When I am in a blue mood, I will also do my hobbies to c___小题5:___ myself up. Hobbies can help us c___小题6:___ our moods. Many hobbies n小题7:___ devotion(执着), for e___小题8:___, when you play a musical instrument, you have to p__小题9:__over and over in order to perform good music. After a period (时期)if you still enjoy it, gradually it will become a habit of yours. But remember a hobby is l___小题10:___gold under the ground, no hobby will come to you unless you dig it out yourself. If you can treat study as one of your hobbies, life will be more enjoyable.
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
任务型阅读    (共10空;每空1分,计10分)
Some people succeed, while others may not. This is because some people have certain qualities, which others do not.
The first thing you must remember is that in order to succeed, you must be optimistic(乐观). If you do not expect to win, you will not try as hard as people who do expect to win. You also need to have a clear aim and a reason for doing something because motivation(动机) is a key to getting success. If you do not have an aim, then you won’t work hard and put your performance under the microscope(显微镜) to make sure that every detail is right.
Another quality that helps people succeed is creativity---thinking about things in a different way and wondering how others would do the same thing. Think about some successful people you know. They might be successful with a little creativity, but the most successful people are the most creative ones.
Reading is another to success, as it will help you learn about how other people have got success. If you want to learn how to set up a successful business, you should read books about people like Bill Gates and Jerry Yang, who have got amazing success in their areas of business.
Practicing is equally important if you want to be successful because practice makes perfect. Practise every day at whatever career you are in, and by doing so, you will see yourself, your business and your self-confidence begin to grow. If you feel confident about what you do, this confidence will make other people believe in you as well. Your workmates will be happy to work with you, and your boss will give you more responsibility(责任). Finally if you are a successful person, you will be able to look people in the eye and smile confidently.
Success is yours for the taking! Cheers!
Title : ____小题1:____
 Certain qualities
                 Supporting details
 ●Try hard ____小题2:______people who do expect to win.
●Have a clear aim and a ____小题3:_____ for doing something because a key to getting success is motivation.
 ●__小题4:___about things in a different way.
●Study how other people would do the ___小题5:_____ thing.
 ●Help you know about how ____小题7:______ have got success.
●Read books about ___小题8:____ people such as Bill Gates and Jerry                   Yang to encourage yourselves.
 ●Know the ____小题9:______ of practice because “Practice makes perfect.”
●Believe in yourself and do ____小题10:______you want to do confidently.
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
短文填空    (共10空;每空1分,计10分)
The idea for the book Harry Potter and the Philosopher"s Stone c_____小题1:_______to Joanne Kathleen Rowling in 1990. It took her seven years to finish writing it. D_____小题2:_____those seven years she had a number of jobs. One of them was t______小题3:______ English in PortugalRowling sent the book to four publishers (出版商) before one of them bought it. She wasvery happy to sell her book because it was her d____小题4:______ to become a writer. Beforeshe sold her book, Rowling was living in a small house with her daughter and was very poor. She could not a____小题5:______ to keep warm in the winter.
Harry Potter became very s__小题6:______ with children and grown-ups in England and then t__小题7:___ the world. It was put into more than thirty-five l_____小题8:_____. After her second and third books were published, the three Harry Potter books filled the top three places on many newspapers" lists of bestsellers. Without question, Rowling"s life changed g____小题9:______ and became one of the most successful w______小题10:_____writers in the world.
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
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