当前位置:初中试题 > 英语试题 > 划线提问型 > 假设你是王鹏,你的朋友Leo最近因考试临近,学习任务重,情绪低落。请你写一封信提一些建议,帮助他调整心态。内容包括:体育锻炼,娱乐活动(如,看电影等),健康饮食...

Dear Leo,
Don’t worry about your study too much. You should learn how to relax yourself. First I think doing more sports is good for your health. I often play basketball with my friends after class. People join us on the playground. Watching a movie is also a good way to relax. And I think eating healthily is also important. Please remember to have breakfast every morning. It can give your energy to study the whole morning. Finally, please go to bed early and have enough sleep. I hope you can stay in good health and get good grades in your study at the same time.
Wang Peng.

经验,以“How to Study well”为题,写一篇约80词左右的短文,告诉你的妹妹一些你觉得比较好的学习方法或习惯。可根据以下提示内容展开写作,也可以增加另外一些比较合理实用的学习方法。
提示:1. 上课认真听讲,记笔记;
2. 课后认真复习,按时完成家庭作业;
3. 遇到不懂的问题要及时请教…
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
Do you keep fish and turtles in your classroom at school? 小题1: 你曾经在一条小船上上过课吗? Do you put the food you leave over into a compost (混合肥料) box? That’s all part of a school day at Barnard School.
Barnard School is a “green” school in America. 小题2:.This school wants to tell kids the importance of caring about the environment. The students can also learn a different way to live a healthier life.
With the special lessons, about 300 students in the school study the environment all day long.                                   小题3:而且在教室里研究鱼和其他的动物是十分有趣的. Students throw some lunch leftovers (吃剩的饭菜) into a compost box in a greenhouse. 小题4:They use the waste to help grow plants.
At Barnard School, almost everything has something to do with the environment. Students sing songs about the environment. Their art work also has something to do with the environment.                           Even their math classes are about caring about the environment. All the students have these classes happily. 小题5:I think we should learn something from this school.
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
A young man saw an elderly couple (夫妇) sitting down to lunch at McDonald’s. They had o_____小题1: one meal and an extra drink cup. The gentleman c_______小题2:divided the hamburger in half and then counted out the fries, one for him, one for her, u_________小题3: each had half of them.
Then he p_______小题4:half of the soft drink into the extra cup and put that in front of his wife. The old man then began to eat and his wife sat w________小题5:, with her hands folded (交叉) in her lap.
The young man decided to ask w_________小题6: they would allow him to buy a________ 小题7: meal for them. The old gentleman said, “Oh, no, we have b______ 小题8: married for 50 years, and everything has always been and will a______小题9:be shared, 50/50.” The young man then asked the wife if she was going to eat, and she replied, “It’s his t_______小题10:to eat with the teeth.”
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
Changbai Mountain is in Jilin Province. It’s said to be the most beautiful mountain in the northeast of China. Its name, Changbai, means “forever white” in Chinese, and its whiteness is because of the pumice stones(浮石). You can get there by train or by bus.
Here are some tips for you if you want to visit it:
1. From November to April, heavy snow covers(覆盖) the area. August is the best time to visit it.
2. Be sure to start from your hotel early in the morning, so that you have enough time to see everything and return. Visitors can’t live on the mountain.    
3. Bring food and water with you.
Information Card
It’s in 小题1:                            .  
Reason of being white
It’s because of the 小题2:                          .
You can get there 小题3:                          .
小题4:                              is the best time to visit it.
Things Taken
You should take 小题5:                         .  

题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
“五一”假期就快到了,我们将会有三天的假(Thursday, Friday and Saturday)。请以“My May Day holiday plan”为题, 写一篇80字左右的短文,介绍你和你的家人或朋友的假期活动安排。开头已给出。
下列词汇供参考:morning, afternoon, evening, stay in bed, do my homework,
get up early, play football, have a picnic…
May Day is coming soon. We will have a 3-day holiday.  I am going to……      
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
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