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Boys and girls, this summer vacation is the time for you to take your mind off homework and prepare yourself for the future. The following is some advice on how to make your vacation meaningful and colorful.
Take regular exercise. You’ve worked hard most of the time. Therefore, you need to join in outdoor activities, which can bring your whole body into action. You can improve your    
by doing different kinds of exercise such as swimming, jogging and mountain climbing.
Learn some basic life skills. One day, you will live alone. You can’t       on your family any longer. So, you should learn to cook, wash and other practical skills.
Go for a journey. Travel to places of interest. In this way, you’ll understand cultures that are different from that of your hometown. Beautiful sights can also make you relaxed.
Enjoy family time. Don’t always sit in front of a computer. It’s great fun for family members to sit around the table, discussing sports, clothes or other common topics.
If you follow the advice above, your summer vacation will be full of joy and meaning.
We wish you a wonderful time!
小题1: ①__________          ②__________
小题2:(A) Chinese families __________ getting together during traditional festivals.
(B) I suppose my life in senior high school will __________ challenges.
小题3: ___________________________________________________________________________
小题4:How many pieces of advice are mentioned in the passage above?
小题5: What’s the main idea of the passage?

小题1:health/body; depend/rely/count
小题2:(A) enjoy  (B)be full of
小题4:Four / 4.
小题5:( It’s about ) some advice on how to make your (our / my) vacation meaningful and colorful.

小题1:句意:你可以通过做各种各样的运动来改善你的健康状况,如游泳、慢走和爬山。根据句意可知,做运动可以提高自己的健康状况,因此第一个空可以填名词health;body是身体的意思,在这里也符合句意;句意:你不能再依靠你的家人。depend on 或rely on是固定的短语,意思是依靠,依赖。
小题2:根据短文最后一条建议中It’s great fun for family members to sit around the table, discussing sports, clothes or other common topics.可知,中国的家庭喜欢聚在一起,故第一个空填enjoy;根据If you follow the advice above, your summer vacation will be full of joy and meaning.可知,句中的be full of 的意思是充满,根据句意可知,这里的意思是我想我的高中生活充满挑战。
小题3:beautiful sights是一个短语,意思是美丽的风景,这里的sights指的是风景;make you relaxed,是make sb.+形容词这个句型,意思是使某人放松。
小题5:根据短文第一段的最后一句话The following is some advice on how to make your vacation meaningful and colorful.可知,下面的建议是关于如何让你的假期有意义、多姿多彩的,本文的中心意思也是它。
试题【Boys and girls, this summer vacation is the time for you to take your mind off h】;主要考察你对划线提问型等知识点的理解。[详细]
Every minute of the day someone somewhere needs blood, maybe a 小题1:s       baby, or
someone’s mum or dad, so it is not just for emergencies and 小题2:a        They need blood tohelp them beat diseases like cancer, or do a planned operation. And that’s 小题3: w    we needpeople to give blood, 3 times a year if you can. If you are in good health,小题4: b        the ages of17 and 59 and weigh at least 50kg, you can start小题5:g     blood now. And when you act,you’11 see how easy it is lo save someone’s life.
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任务型阅读 (共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)
Dont Rest on Your Laurels
Have you ever heard the saying “Don’t rest on your laurels”?“ Laurels” means the achievements you have already got. The saying suggests that you shouldn’t be so satisfied with your achievements that you’ll no longer try to improve.
As to this saying, Mike Perham has set us a good example. Born in 1992 in Hertfordshire, England, Mike was just 14 when hebecame the youngest person to sail across the Atlantic Ocean. You might think the achievements are good enough, but Mike doesn’t think so. At the age of 17,he became the youngest person to sail all by himself around the world on a nine-month voyage(航海).
Mike is now 19, and he is still trying his bestto break the records and push himself further. For his next adventure, he plans to fly around the world on his own, making him the first person of all ages to both sail and fly around the world.
Mike wants his achievements to encourage young people to realize their dreams. Since his adventures, he has travelled widely, speaking at schools and youth clubs in the UK, Hong Kong and Australia on the theme of “Live the Dream”.
Amazing Facts:
Mike started sailing when hewas seven.
His trans-Atlantic crossing began at Gibraltar and ended in Antigua.
His round-the-world yacht(游艇)was called TotallyMoney.com.
Title:Don’t Rest on Your Laurels
Passage outline
Supporting details
The explanation of the saying
“Don’t rest on your laurels" means that you shouldn’t stop 小题1:         only because of your achievements.
Amazing facts
• Atthe age of 7, Mike started sailing.
• At the age of 14,sailing across the Atlantic Ocean made
Mike become the 小题2:       one who set a record.
• At the age of 17, Mike had a nine-month voyage of sailing 小题3:          around the world.
Present situation
Mike is 19 now. He is trying his best to break the records. His小题4:          to fly round the world by himself will make him the first person to both sail and fly.
The 小题5:         of Mike’s achievements
Mike’s speeches give young people courage to realize their dreams.

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of  what  helpful  hobby  with  much  success  if   clear  do  write  few
Confidence(自信) is very important in daily life. It is   小题1:   to develop a healthy attitude(态度). If people are more confident, they are   小题2:  happier. And they can have more chances to be 小题3:  . Here are some suggestions to be more confident.
★Speak loud. When you are not confident, you can’t do well  小题4:you want to do. Try to speak loud enough so that people can hear you  小题5:  . The high voice can help you become more confident.
★Play sports. Physical exercise makes you tired but strong. A strong body helps you be full
小题6:  confidence.
★Encourage yourself. 小题7:  down a list of things you did during the day to see how many things you have done well. Give yourself praise(表扬) for the good things you have   小题8: .
★Pick up a hobby.小题9: you like singing, sing as much as you can. In some ways, a  小题10:
can make you excellent. And it will make you happy and confident.
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Would you like to have an electric car? Do you know this kind of quiet and clean cars run on electricity(电)?
In the future, more and more people will have cars, so the cars will be in great need. But the oil won’t keep up with the number of cars on the road. So the price of oil will go up.
Electric cars aren’t perfect just yet. It can take eight hours to charge(充电) a car for only 100 miles of driving. How far that car travels depends on the weather and traffic.
Price is a problem, too. Electric cars cost much more than cars using oil. The good news is that electric-car technology(技术) is getting better. As it does, the prices of this kind of cars are going down.
To charge the car, the US Department of Energy is paying for at least 10,000 charging stations around the country. And it will cost about three dollars for each charge.
Now carmakers are looking for other ways to make the car cheaper. Then more people will use electric cars, and we’ll have a clean and nice world in the future.
小题1: Why will the cars be in great need in the future?
小题2: How long does it take to charge an electric car for only 100 miles of driving?
小题3: Are electric cars cheaper than cars using oil at present?
小题4: How much should people pay for each charge?
小题5:What will the world be like if most people use electric cars?
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Boys and girls, this summer vacation is the time for you to prepare(准备) yourself for the future. The following is some advice on how to have a wonderful vacation.
Exercise. You have worked hard most of the time. So you need to join in outdoor activities. They can bring your whole body into action. You can benefit(受益) from different kinds of exercise such as swimming, running and mountain climbing.
Learn some life skills. One day, you will live alone. You can’t depend on your family any longer. So, you should learn to cook, wash and other skills.
Go for a journey. Travel to places of interest. In this way, you’ll understand cultures that are different from that of your hometown. Beautiful sights can also make you relaxed.
Enjoy family time. Don’t always sit in front of a computer alone. It’s great fun for you to spend time with your family.
If you follow the advice above, your summer vacation will be filled with joy and success.
How to  小题1:
You should take part in   小题2:.
You can swim, run and go mountain climbing.
Learn some
life skills
You will live alone and 小题3: yourself one day.
You should learn to cook, wash and other skills.
Go for a
Travel to places of interest.
You will understand   小题4:  cultures.
Enjoy family
You shouldn’t always sit in front of a computer alone.
You will have great fun   小题5:  with your family.

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