当前位置:初中试题 > 英语试题 > 翻译 > 根据中文意思完成句子。 1. 邮局离这儿有些远,你最好坐车去。    The post office is a bit far from here. _____...
根据中文意思完成句子。 1. 邮局离这儿有些远,你最好坐车去。
   The post office is a bit far from here. _______________ take a bus.
2. 为什么不早点儿把这个好消息告诉他呢?
    _______________ tell him the good news a little earlier.
3. 王芳还没来,她怎么了?
    Wang Fang hasn"t come yet. _______________ her?
4. 很多医护人员太忙了,顾不上吃饭。
     Many doctors and nurses are _______________ have their meals.
5. 战士们已连续工作了18个小时,有必要让他们停下来休息。
     The soldiers have kept working for 18 hours, so _______________.
1. You"d better
2. Why not
3. What"s wrong with
4. too busy to
5. it"s necessary to make them stop to have a rest
试题【根据中文意思完成句子。 1. 邮局离这儿有些远,你最好坐车去。    The post office is a bit far from here. _____】;主要考察你对翻译等知识点的理解。[详细]
根据中文意思完成句子。 1. 来吧,汤姆。该吃晚饭了。
    Come on, Tom. _______________ supper.
2. 你看上去很累,最好睡个好觉。
    You look very tired. _______________ have a good sleep.
3. 我的手机出毛病了,能用你的吗? 
    _______________ my cell phone. May I use yours?
4. 快考试了,我既不玩游戏也不看电影。
    The exams are coming. I _______________.
5. 学会如何独立处理我们生活中的问题是很必要的。 
    _______________ in our daily life.
题型:北京期中题难度:| 查看答案
根据中文意思完成句子。 1. 让我们做早操吧。
    _________________ morning exercises.
2. 这个教室太小,容纳不下这么多学生。
    The classroom is _________________ hold so many students.
3. 请你打开窗户好吗? 
    _________________ the window?
4. 2010年世博会直到10月31号才闭幕。
    The World Exposition 2010 _________________ October 31 st.
5. 读书不仅能帮助我们获取知识而且能使我们聪明。
    Reading books _________________.
题型:北京模拟题难度:| 查看答案
根据中文提示完成句子。 1. 别怕犯错误,没有人会嘲笑你。
    Don"t ______ making mistakes. Nobody will laugh at you.
2. 北京首都机场三号航站楼长2,900米,宽790米。
    Beijing Capital International Airport Terminal 3 is ______.
3. 她不会介意帮我们完成这项工作的。
    She won"t ______ the job.
4. 我认为冬天总是关着窗户不利于你的健康。
    I don"t think it ______ in winter.
5. 托尼经过和老师长时间地反复讨论之后,才下定决心尝试这个新想法。
    Tony didn"t ______ discussing it with his teacher again and again.
题型:北京模拟题难度:| 查看答案
阅读下面的短文,将划线部分的句子译成汉语。     Water, like air and sunshine, is very important to living things. All animals and plants need water.
(1) Without water, there can be no life on earth.
     Man also needs water. He needs it to drink, to cook and to clean himself. It even makes up the
greater part of his body.
     Water is almost everywhere. (2) It covers most parts of the earth. It is in lakes, rivers and seas.
Even in the driest places of the world, there is water in the air.
     However, most of the water on earth is seawater. (3) There is too much salt in it. So it is not
good for drinking or washing. We can only drink or use fresh water. It makes up only a very small
part of all the water on earth.
     To make things even worse, our need for water is growing and, at the same time, we are wasting
the clean fresh water. (4) We are polluting the lakes and rivers. As a result, there is not much drinking
water left.
     (5) So we may say, we are now living in a thirsty world. 1_____________________________________________________
题型:湖南省中考真题难度:| 查看答案
根据中文意思和英文提示词语,用所学过的句型写出正确的句子。 1. 英语和数学一样重要。
     English , important , maths
2. 郝老师不仅是我们的老师而且也是我们的朋友。
    Mr Hao , our teacher , our friend
3. 哈里·波特的故事真有意思,我们都喜欢。
   the story of Harry Porter , interesting , like it
4. 工人们仅用七天的时间就建成了一座新医院。
   the workers, only seven days, build a new hospital
5. 旅客们直到下了飞机才能使用手机。
  passengers, must, use their mobile phones, get off the plane
6. 你要么呆在家里,要么和我们一起去。
     may, stay at home, go with us
题型:北京中考真题难度:| 查看答案
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