当前位置:初中试题 > 英语试题 > 翻译 > 根据所给汉语,完成英语句子。每空填一词。1. 我要看报纸而不是看电视。    I like reading newspaper ___    _        ...
1. 我要看报纸而不是看电视。
    I like reading newspaper ___                 watching TV.
2. 实际上,我们还有许多作业要做。
   ___    _           _, we still have much homework to do.
3. 在我的梦里,我一直在纸的海洋里游泳。
    In my dream, I keep ___    _ in an __     __ of paper.
4. 这次考试非常重要,它占期末考试的百分之三十。
    This test is important, because it ___    _              30% of the final exam.
5. 看天上的云!一会儿一定下雨。
    Look at the cloud in the sky! There ___                  rain later.
1. instead of  
2. In fact  
3. swimming, ocean 
4. makes up    
5. must be
试题【根据所给汉语,完成英语句子。每空填一词。1. 我要看报纸而不是看电视。    I like reading newspaper ___    _        】;主要考察你对翻译等知识点的理解。[详细]
   ______you ______ ______ ______ ?
2. 格林一家经常乘飞机去不同的地方度假。
   ______ Greens often ______ ______ different places ______ their holidays.
3. 对不起,所有的票昨晚已经售光了。
    I"m sorry. ______ the tickets ______ ______ ______ last night.
4. 我一直想见见周杰伦。
    I ______ ______ ______ ______ meet Jay Zhou.
5. 这女孩乘飞机到过全中国吗?
    ______ the girl ______ ______ ______ China ______plane?
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1. 巨大的动物
2. 像这个动物
3. 挽救海牛
4. 关怀、关照
5. 适合某人做某事
6. be surprised to do something
7. endangered animals
8. take care of
9. be against doing something
10. underwater plants
根据汉语提示完成句子(每空一词) .
   Scientists _______ _______ there has been life _______ _______ for _______ _______years?
2. 我们还没有在其他行星上发现生命?
    We haven"t _______ _______on other _______.
3. 科学家们已经在宇宙中发现了许多别的星系?
    Scientists _______ _______ many other _______ in the _______?
4. 弄清楚宇宙有多大是困难的?
   It is hard _______ _______ _______large the _______ is?
5. 为什么没有人从别的行星上给我们发送信息呢?
   Why has _______ _______ _______other planets _______us a message?
6. 飞机已经到达了吗?
    ______ the plane _______ _______?
7. 听说你父母到北京出差去了?
    I hear your father and mother _______ _______ _______Beijing _______ _______?
8. 你觉得这本小说怎么样?
   _______ _______ _______ _______ _______the novel?
9.  你在忙什么呢?
     _______ are you _______ _______?
10. 请记住给我回信?
     Please _______ _______ write _______ _______ me.
1. 我们认为普通人也能为挽救环境做一些事情。
    We think ordinary people can do something___ _             the environment.
2. 地球属于我们每一个人,所以大家都应该关心它。
    The earth ___            everyone. everyone should take care of it.
3. 如果我们过多使用塑料袋,那么我们在破坏环境。
    If we use too much plastic bags, we___ _             the environment.
4. 我不能确定是否有一些我们可以做的事情保护环境。
    I am not sure ____            is much we can do for the environment.
5. 许多学生聚集在一起讨论环境问题。
    Many students get together to___ _            the environment problems.
1. 我昨天晚上离开教室的时候忘记了关灯。    
    I forgot to            the lights when I left the classroom last night.
    Remember to turn off the shower while you             your hair.
3. 停止使用纸巾对我们来说非常难。    
                paper napkins is very difficult for us.
4. 我们从来没有听说过用垃圾盖房子。    
    We have never heard the house can             with the trash.
5. 房子的墙是用胶水把旧瓶子粘在一起做成的。   
    The wall of the house are made from old glass bottles that             together.