当前位置:初中试题 > 英语试题 > 写作 > 遣词造句根据提供的图画和提示词,写一个符合图意的完整、正确的句子。1. ____________________________________________...

试题【遣词造句根据提供的图画和提示词,写一个符合图意的完整、正确的句子。1. ____________________________________________】;主要考察你对写作等知识点的理解。[详细]
题型:福建省中考真题难度:| 查看答案
题型:福建省中考真题难度:| 查看答案
题型:四川省中考真题难度:| 查看答案
题型:浙江省中考真题难度:| 查看答案
题型:福建省中考真题难度:| 查看答案
版权所有 CopyRight © 2012-2019 超级试练试题库 All Rights Reserved.
1. _________________________________________________________
2. _________________________________________________________
3. _________________________________________________________
4. _________________________________________________________
5. _________________________________________________________
1. They go to school by bike./They ride a bike to school.
2. The girl is dancing now.
3. Don"t take photos here./ The sign tells us not to take photos here.
4. There are some/ three pencils in the box.
5. Running is good for health./ Running is good for us.

1. _________________________________________________________________
2. _________________________________________________________________
3. _________________________________________________________________
4. _________________________________________________________________
5. _________________________________________________________________

         1                            2                         3                          4                        5
1. (Miss Zheng, school)
2. (home, yesterday)
3. (like, best) 
4. (travel, next month) 
5. (should, protect) 

1. Who are in the picture?
    Some __________ and a __________ are in the picture.
2. How many students are there in the picture?
    There are __________. We can see __________ of them are boys and two are girls.
3. What are they doing?
    They are having an __________ __________ in a __________.
4. What can we see behind the teacher?
    There is a __________ and a big __________ on the __________.
     假如你就读于一所国际学校,前不久,你们班组织了一次“My learning Experience”的主题班会,
Betty: I"m happy that I"m making progress. I have done much better than before.
Charlie: My result is not bad, but I still have room to improve, for example, math. I did well in
              Chinese and physics.
Anne: I spent a lot of time on science but I didn"t do as well as I wanted to. It"s hard to believe.
Boys and girls,
     I"m very happy that many of you have shared your learning experiences with the class. Betty is
(1) _________. Charlie still has room to (2)_________ his math. But Anne didn"t (3)_________ in her
science. In my opinion, successful or not, it is not the most important in our lives. What we need to do
is to (4) _________.
                                                                                                                               Thank you.
     5.12汶川大地震牵动着每位中华儿女的心。6月22日早上我校将举 行献爱心活动。请仿造例句,
例:Don" t be nervous! You"ll be all right!