father: read a book
mother: watch TV
grandfather: listen to the music
grandmother: clean the room
Kate: do homework
Betty: play computer games
father: read a book
mother: watch TV
grandfather: listen to the music
grandmother: clean the room
Kate: do homework
Betty: play computer games
mother is watching TV. Her grandfather is listening to the radio and her grandmother is cleaning the
room . Her sister Betty is playing computer games.
How happy they are! (答案不唯一)
1. One day Sima Guang was _____ with some children near a big vessel (缸) outside the house.
2. One of the boys wanted to hide _____ in the vessel.
3. He thought that nobody could _____ him if he hid in it.
4. But he didn"t know that the vessel was _____ of water.
5. When he climbed to the top, he fell into the _____.
6. The _____ ran away as fast as they could.
7. Sima Guang didn"t _____ at once.
8. He _____ there to think hard for a moment.
9. Quickly he picked up a big stone and broke the _____.
10. Sima Guang saved the_____.
1. Linda, not far from, ten minutes by bike
2. begin classes at 7:00; late; is angry
3. mother, ill, look after
4. reason; go to; home; himself
工作或者办公室清洁工的工作。请帮他写一份求职广告。他的联系电话是234-5678 。
- 1某文件中写道:“财产权是不可侵犯的、神圣的权利……任何人的财产权都不受剥夺。”用一位历史学家的话来说,它相当于法国旧制度
- 2阅读下面的文字,按要求作文。 有的人一生漂泊,有的人终生不离开故土,有的人少小离家老大回。人生的轨迹可能会不同,但是每
- 3—Who helped Betty tidy up the bedroom just now?—_________. S
- 4听下面2段对话,每段对话后面有2个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选择正确的答案。听第1段对话,回答第1、2题。
- 5下列计算正确的是( )A.23=2×3=6B.-32=-3×(-3)=9C.(-2)3=-8D.(-23)2=43
- 6如图,将△ABC沿BC方向平移到△DEF,若A、D间的距离为1,CE=2,则BF=( ).
- 7下列各项与绘画艺术的发展有关,按照时间先后排列正确的是①《女史箴图》 ②“剩山残水” ③“吴带当风” ④八大山人A
- 8精子只有借助______才能看到,其形似______,长尾能______.
- 9如果a与b互为相反数,则下列各式不正确的是[ ]A.a+b=0B.|a|=|b|C.a﹣b=0D.a=﹣b
- 10如图是用8个相同的小立方块搭成的几何体,请你分别画出它的主视图、左视图和俯视图。
- 1【题文】已知集合只有一个元素,则a的值为
- 2完形填空。 Christmas will come soon. The radio stations (广播电台
- 3如图所示,在绝缘光滑水平面的上方存在着水平方向的匀强电场,现有一个质量m=2.0×10-3kg、电量q=2.0×10-6
- 4某地销售8 000万元即开型福利彩票(每张面额2元),设特等奖15名,每名奖金100万元,某人花10元买了5张彩票,下列
- 5如图所示电容器充电结束后保持与电源连接,电源电压恒定,带电油滴在极板间静止。若将板间距缓慢变大些,则 ( ).A.
- 6克伦威尔当政期间,英国争夺海上霸权的最主要对手是荷兰,这是因为( )。A.荷兰是资本主义的典型国家B.荷兰拥有海上
- 7文化作为人类特有的现象,在社会生活中具有非常丰富的形式。以下属于文化现象的是 [ ]①国庆60周年联欢晚会 ②雁
- 8_________with the size of the whole earth,the highest mounta
- 9如图所示的是伏安法测电阻的部分电路,开关先后接通a和b时,观察电压表和电流表示数的变化,那么( )A.若电压表示数有
- 10在耶稣之下,太平天国的首义诸王一夜之间都成了上帝的众子,并按照各自的行序分别对应天象:洪秀全为日,杨秀清为风,萧朝贵为雨