( )2.A.Because they thought he was a thief.
B.Because he was riding around in the park.
C.Because there was no name on the seat.
( )3.A The middle letter. B.His name. C.Peter" s name.
( )4.A.Bob. B.Kate. C.Peter.
( )5.A.There was the boy"s name on the seat.
B.Peter"s name was on the seat.
C.The middle letter of the name was not clear.
( )1. A. She"s in a stamps show.
B. She"s in a shoe shop.
C. She"s looking for her shoes.
D. She wants to buy a pair of stocking.
( )2. A. He"s watching a football game.
B. He"s a good footballer.
C. He"s playing in a football match.
D. He"s a football fan.
( )3. A. He wants to go to the college.
B. He must finish his homework first.
C. He has decided to go for a holiday in China.
D. He can"t work out a solution.
( )4. A. He"s a taxi driver.
B. He"s an engineer.
C. He"s a worker in a car factory.
D. He"s a manager of a restaurant.
( )5. A. Tony bought a new glass for Annie.
B. Annie said sorry to Tony.
C. Annie borrowed a glass from Tony.
D. Annie"s glass was broken by Tony.
( )6. A. Eighteen dollars.
B. Eight dollars.
C. Eighty dollars.
D. Eighty-eight dollars.
( )2. Dick never did his homework by himself.
( )3. One day the maths teacher found that Dick did his homework very well.
( )4. There were always few mistakes in Dick"s homework.
( )5. The evening before this, there was another football match in their city.
( )6. Now the maths teacher knew the truth of Dick"s homework.
British Rail took over the railway lines, they (2)_____ the smaller ones because they did not make money.
But around 1979, there was a movement to re-open (3)_____ small lines and to run trains on them (4)______;
not modern diesel(柴油机)trains, though,-steam engines! Before that, London"s last steam engine made its
final trip in 1971. Two (5)______ people turned up for the ride and showed(6)_____ how popular the old
steam trains were.
- 1爷爷给小明讲了他小时候的故事,爷爷小时候家住在铁路附近,与村里的小朋友有时一起到火车道旁玩耍.一天,一个小朋友把一根废旧
- 2我国是一个多民族国家,各民族在长期的发展中,创造了特色鲜明的民族文化。以下关于民族文化的表述错误的是A.蒙古族民歌与舞蹈
- 3“蚁族闹蜗居,神马驾浮云”,从虚拟世界到现实生活,网络热词成为了一种醒目的文化存在,真实地折射出时代的社会诉求,也在一定
- 4***总理曾说过,新民主主义革命的历史,就是从天安门到天安门。与前一个“天安门”有关的历史事件是 [ ]A.新
- 5不等式组的解集在数轴上表示正确的是[ ]A.B.C.D.
- 6北京奥运会得到我国人民的大力支持,也得到世界人民的积极响应。申奥宣传片中对中国五千年文化的诠释以及中国人民热情与真诚的笑
- 7已知实数x,y满足,则以x,y的值为两边长的等腰三角形的周长是( ) A.20或16B.20C.16D.以上答案均不
- 8下列各句中没有语病的一项是 [ ]A.中国妇女发展基金会联合搜狐微博发起了“世界水日关注‘母亲水窖校园安全饮水计
- 9抛物线y=(x-2)2的顶点坐标是( )A.(0,-2)B.(-2,0)C.(0,2)D.(2,0)
- 10计算:(-3x2y)•(13xy2)=______.
- 1某中学七、八、九年级学生人数的比为5:4:3,若制成一个扇形统计图,则表示七年级人数的扇形的圆心角为 [ ]A.
- 2【题文】读“某地区地质构造剖面示意图”,回答下列问题:(9分)(1)图中丁处地质构造名称是
- 3如图甲所示,物块的质量m=1kg,初速度v0=10m/s,在一水平向左的恒力F作用下从O点沿粗糙的水平面向右运动,某时刻
- 4策动十字军东侵的是 [ ]A.屋大维B.恺撒C.罗马教皇D.亚历山大
- 5关于牛顿第二定律,正确的说法是( )A.根据F合=ma,可知合外力跟物体的质量成正比,跟加速度成正比B.根据a=F合/
- 6下列各组粒子中前者是A粒子结构示意图,后者是B粒子的结构示意图,能形成AB2型化合物一组粒子是 ( )
- 7 2011年是中国共产党建党90周年。兴华中学决定举行以“颂党恩?爱祖国?赞家乡”为主题的活动,请你参加。 (
- 81920年11月,孙中山指出:“有人说推翻清室后,民族主义可以不要了,这话实在错了。即如我们住的租借地,外国就要用治外法
- 9阅读下文,完成小题。(13分)①细菌一直名声不佳,但对于细菌家族的杰出成员地杆菌,人们却应当刮目相看。这些只有千分之一毫
- 10Aunt Mary is crazy about shopping. She must be snapping up t