2. Where are the Hong Kong tourists?
3. When is Diana going to Greece?
4. What does Mike"s grandpa often do?
5. When did Emma come to Ann"s town?
2. They"re in the zoo.
3. She"s going there next vacation.
4. He often goes fishing.
5. She came there two years ago.
试题【听对话,根据其内容,回答下面的问题。1. What"s Julia going to do? _____________________________】;主要考察你对特殊题型等知识点的理解。[详细]
( )2. Don"t ________. Your son is coming.
( )3. Henry usually takes the school________.
( )4. Mr Black often goes to work on________.
( )5. It takes her twenty ________to go to school.
2. How long does it take Jane to do her homework?
3. How does Mrs Hill go to work?
4. Where"s Nina waiting for Paul?
5. What time does Jeff go to bed?
there. (2)It took me an hour to go to school by bike. It was difficult for me to get to school before eight
o"clock in winter if it snowed. Sometimes I was late for class. And I had to get up early in the morning.
(3)I was always tired in the evening. I told my parents about it. (4)Daddy found a job in a supermarket in
the town. We moved to a house there. It"s not far from the train station and I can take the school bus. It
takes me only fifteen minutes. (5)Now I"m not afraid to be late for school. And I can play soccer with my
friends after supper.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
- 1近代前期,随着民族危机的加深,中国社会各阶层为挽救民族危亡提出了各种救国方案。阅读材料,回答问题:材料一 严格说来,拳匪
- 2纳米材料的研制是当今世界科技的前沿,1998年我国科学家就已合成了纳米氮化镓(Ga5N3),Ga5N3中氮为-5价,则G
- 3On April 1, the westerners will play ________ on each other
- 4解放战争中中国共产党能够迅速取胜的原因有:①中国共产党的坚强领导 ②***高超的军事指挥艺术 ③人民群众的支持
- 5如图甲、乙是配电房中的互感器和电表的接线图,下列说法中正确的是( )A.线圈匝数n1<n2,n3<n4B.线圈匝数n1
- 6已知数列的前n项和(1)求数列的通项公式,并证明是等差数列;(2)若,求数列的前项和
- 7下列生产实践中,哪一项不能使用生长素类似物[ ]A.处理扦插的葡萄枝条,促使其生根B.处理青色的生香蕉,使其加速
- 8如果,,那么代数式的值是 .
- 9下列说法正确的是:A.酸性氧化物一定是非金属氧化物B.酸酐一定是氧化物C.碱性氧化物一定是金属氧化物D.酸性氧化物一定是
- 10某溶液能完全溶解乙酸乙酯,在该溶液中可以大量共存的离子组是[ ]A.K+、Na+、HCO3-、Cl-B.Ag+、
- 1已知不等式x2+ax+4<0的解集为空集,则a的取值范围是______.
- 2如右图,P是正△ABC内的一点,若将△PBC绕点B逆时针旋转到△P’BA,旋转角的度数为______________.
- 3据相关报道,三峡水库的防洪库容约为22150000000m3,相当于50000个A型水库库容,则A型水库库容约为( )
- 4读“中国四大地理区域图”完成下题。小题1:从A到B一线,能大致反映植被变化的是A.草原一森林一荒漠草原一荒漠B.森林一荒
- 5配平下列化学(或离子)方程式:(1)____Cl2 +____KOH→____KCl+____KClO3 +____H2
- 6Flexible working hours, homeworking opportunities and cover
- 7下列说法中错误的是( )A.生物圈是一个统一的整体B.食物链以生产者为起点,终点为消费者C.在食物链中,营养级别越高的
- 8向一定量的Fe、FeO和Fe2O3的混合物中加入120mL 4mol/L的稀硝酸,恰好使混合物完全溶解,放出1.344L
- 9下表是元素周期表的短周期部分,表中字母分别表示一种元素。请回答下列问题(1)f元素在周期表中的位置是第_______周期
- 10真挚的友情表现在 [ ]①他对不起我,我就要对不起他②能坦率地对朋友进行批评③能与朋友共享快乐④能为朋友排解烦恼