Ming Ming 1 Ling Ling 2 Wang Fang 3 Lei Jun 4 Xia Qing 5
B. He is a singer.
C. He is a doctor.
B. The teachers.
C. The students.
B. Because he made a lot of trouble there when he was young.
C. Because he thought the talk would be difficult.
B. What do you think?
C. That"s a good idea.
D. That"s right.
( )2. A. It"s quite near.
B. It"s behind the shops.
C. More than five kilometres.
D. The farm is not far away.
( )3. A. He is better now.
B. No, I think he is all right.
C. He"s fine. Thanks.
D. He was a little ill.
( )4. A. Let"s make it half past four.
B. In the afternoon.
C. It"s three thirty now.
D. At the gate.
( )5. A. Good idea.
B. I don"t like to see animals in cages.
C. Sorry, I"m busy now.
D. Not at all.
B. There are eight floors in the building.
C. Paul lives on the eighteenth floor.
D. There are fifteen floors in the building.
( )2. A. Tom is a football player.
B. Tom is working in the city.
C. tom is a basketball player.
D. There is no basketball match in the city.
( )3. A. Kate runs very slowly because she is short.
B. Kate is taller than some other girls.
C. Kate is short, but she runs the faster.
D. Kate is tall and she is the fastest.
( )4. A. Most people in the city like to watch and play football.
B. Basketball is popular.
C. No one knows football game at all.
D. Football is a good game, but not all the people like it.
( )5. A. Jack is eight years older than Mary.
B. Mary is younger than Jack.
C. Jack is of the same age as Mary.
D. Mary is eight years older than Jack.
B. He is going to Meirmei"s house to do some cleaning.
C. He will have lunch with Meimei next Tuesday.
D. He will have supper with Meimei next Tuesday.
( )2. A. About forty.
B. About fifty.
C. About thirty.
D. About sixty.
( )3. A. Go fishing.
B. Go shopping.
C. Go to the zoo.
D. Go boating.
( )4. A. Lucy"s.
B. Lily"s.
C. Kate"s.
D. I don"t know.
( )5. A. At twenty to two.
B. At twenty past two.
C. At one five.
D. At one fifty.
- 1(10分)【近代社会的民主思想与实践】阅读材料,回答问题。材料一 中国以四五千年的君主国体,一旦改为民主,在世界新趋势
- 2因式分(1)6q(2p+3q)+4p(3q+2p);(2)(x2+x)2-(x+1)2.
- 3在下列4个核反应方程中,X表示质子的是( )A.B.C.D.
- 4阅读下面的材料,根据要求作文。 【材料】有一首诗写道:有朝一日,我们会在密密的树林里,在黄叶底下,拾起自己的脚印,如同
- 5下图是A、B两种不含结晶水的固体物质的溶解度曲线.下列说法中错误的是( )A.t1℃时A、B的溶解度相等B.B的溶解度
- 6如图,在四棱锥P-ABCD中,PA⊥平面ABCD,PA=AB=BC=2,∠DAC=∠ABC=90°,,(Ⅰ)证明:AD⊥
- 7质量为m的小球用一细绳系着在竖直平面内恰能做圆周运动,小球运动到最低点时速率是它在最高点时速率的5倍,则小球运动到最低点
- 8社会学家戴维斯说过:“放弃了自己对社会的责任,就意味着放弃了自身在这个社会中更好的生存机会。”下列理解错误的是 [
- 9某人月初用x元人民币投资股票,由于行情较好,他的资金每月都增加13,即使他每月末都取出1000元用于日常开销,他的资金仍
- 10北方地区与南方地区的分界线大致与__________(山脉)、__________(河流)一致。北方地区的土地利用类型以
- 1若△ABC满足sinA=2sinC•cosB,则△ABC是( )A.等腰三角形B.直角三角形C.等腰直角三角形D.任意
- 2如图(a)所示,质量m=1kg的物体置于倾角θ=37°的固定粗糙斜面上.t=0时对物体施以平行于斜面向上的拉力F,t=1
- 3庆历新政的内容不包括[ ]A.严格官吏升迁、考核制度 B.限制官僚子弟及亲友“恩荫”做官 C.裁并州县,
- 4已知定点A(0,1),B(0,-1),C(1,0),动点P满足:AP•BP=k|PC|2,(1)求动点P的轨迹方程,并说
- 5多年来,海南始终把生态环境保护放在经济社会发展的首位,坚持生态立省,坚决按照不污染环境,不破坏环境,不搞低水平重复建设的
- 6下列各组词语中,没有错别字的一组是.A.青睐集大成若及若离飞扬跋扈.B.毗邻露马脚劳燕纷飞动辄得咎.C.情愫讲意气青春难
- 7主视图反映物体的______和______,俯视图反映物体的______和______,左视图反映物体的______和_
- 8如果把韭黄移到阳光下生长,过几天以后,韭黄将A.不变B.死亡C.变绿D.变白
- 9(本小题满分10分)选修4-1:几何证明讲 如图,AB是⊙O的直径,弦BD、CA的延长线相交于点E,EF垂直BA的延长线
- 10如图3,∠AOC和∠BOD都是直角,如果∠AOB = 150º,那么∠COD等于 ( )A.30ºB.40ºC.50°