B. Jane.
C. Joe.
B. Guangdong food.
C. Hunan food.
B. At 7:30.
C. At 6:30.
试题【听材料,回答问题。1. Who will have dinner with the man? [ ]A. Jack. B. Jane. C. Joe. 】;主要考察你对特殊题型等知识点的理解。[详细]
B. When he watched a football match.
C. When he bought a football.
B. Half a week.
C. 30 days.
B. A pencil-box.
C. An MP3.
B. Because she wants to know more about the club.
C. Because she plans to go to evening classes.
B. On Tuesday.
C. On Wednesday.
B. Japanese.
C. Chinese.
B. He wants to send her some information.
C. He wants to know more about her.
B. Because her daughter asked her to do so.
C. Because she thought a thief would come in.
B. Because she thought her life was boring.
C. Because her mother didn"t lock the door that day.
B. Afraid and surprised.
C. Tired and afraid.
B. The mother loved her daughter very much.
C. The daughter liked the outside world best.
1._____ 2._____ 3._____ 4._____ 5._____
B.At the bus stop.
C.At the police station.
B.To be free tonight.
C.To think of a movie.
B.He wants to see Carol.
C.He wants to buy a camera.
B.Her leg was hurt.
C.She was seriously ill.
B.Doctor and patient.
C.Parent and teacher.
B.Exam result.
C.Vacation plan.
B.Go out to havearest.
C.Stay at home.
B.Because he wanted to relax himself.
C.Because he worked in the countryside.
B.She"s going to listen to somemusic.
C.She is going to try "The Sunday Drive".
- 1 熔点沸点酒精-107℃78℃水银-39℃357℃
- 2-Without proper planning, tourism can cause problems.For exa
- 320世纪初,有人说清政府是“洋人的朝廷”,这种看法 [ ]A.是正确的,因为它严禁人民参加反帝活动 B.是正确的
- 4下列句子中,加点的熟语使用恰当的一句是A.日本首相小泉不顾中国人民和亚洲其它国家人民的反对,三番五次参拜靖国神社,真是一
- 5选出下列各项中注音有误的一项:( )A.醍醐灌顶 tí鬼鬼祟祟 suì乌烟瘴气 zhàng B.戎马倥偬 zǒng 载歌
- 6【题文】集合,,则=( ) A.B.C.D.
- 7“如果我们过于爽快地承认失败,就可能使自己发现不了我们非常接近于正确。”波普尔的名言为我们最好的诠释了“探索”的意义。这
- 8把电阻R1和R2与一个电源、一个小灯泡、一个开关和若干导线组成串联电路,接通电路后,如果小灯泡越亮,说明连入的电阻越小,
- 9关于中国、日本、印度、美国四国的说法,正确的是A.四个国家的人口都超过1亿B.四个国家都有面积较大的冲积平原C.四国首都
- 10P是△ABC所在平面上一点,若,则P是△ABC的 [ ]A.外心 B.内心 C.重心 D.垂心
- 1------- Will you pass me the newspaper?--------___________A.
- 2化学方程式表达了化学反应的客观事实.因此,书写化学方程式要遵守两条原则:一是必须______,不能______;二是必须
- 3下列叙述中不正确的是( )A.KNO3属于复合肥料B.蛋白质,糖类,油脂都是人类重要的营养物质C.所有含碳元素的化合物
- 4There’s a feeling in me __________ we’ll never know what a U
- 5I will carry out the plan _____ there is much difficulty ahe
- 6有尚未普及电视和电影的二十世纪七八十年代拥有一本精美的连环画是很多孩子的梦想,很多人就是在童年时通过连环画来阅读名著的。
- 7如图甲所示,小车上固定着硬质支架,杆的端点固定着一个质量为m的小球.杆对小球的作用力的变化如图乙所示,则关于小车的运动,
- 8Quancheng Square is one of _____ largest in China, _____ sec
- 9已知集合A={1,3,2m-1},集合B={3,m2};若B⊆A,求实数m的值.
- 10The earth is 49 times ___the moon.A.as bigger asB.so big asC