当前位置:初中试题 > 英语试题 > 特殊题型 > 根据你所听到的内容和表格中的提示,将所听到的主要信息填入表格中相应位置上,短文读2遍。(每空不多于三词) Exercise for dogTake him 1....
试题【根据你所听到的内容和表格中的提示,将所听到的主要信息填入表格中相应位置上,短文读2遍。(每空不多于三词) Exercise for dogTake him 1.】;主要考察你对特殊题型等知识点的理解。[详细]
题型:四川省期末题难度:| 查看答案
Exercise for dogTake him 1._________, play 2._________ him.
Cleaning for dog  Clean his bed, 3._________ his bowl.
Food for dogGive him 4._________ and 5._________ him.
1. for a work 2. with 3. wash 4. water 5. feed
1. What animals do they like?

              A                                    B                                  C
2. What does Amy"s mother do?

              A                                     B                                 C

3. What kind of TV shows does Bob like?

              A                                    B                                  C
4. What does the boy like to have for breakfast?

              A                                    B                                  C
5. How does the girl tell something to her mother?

              A                                   B                                   C
题型:四川省期末题难度:| 查看答案
题型:四川省期末题难度:| 查看答案
(     )1. A. Excuse me.      
(     )2. A. Yes, it is.     
(     )3. A. It’s a pleasure. 
(     )4. A. It’s six thirty. 
(     )5. A. Yes, please.     
B. You’re welcome.  
B. Yes, there is.   
B. No thanks.    
B. It’s Friday. 
B. Yes, it’s new. 
C. That sounds great.                       
C. No, it doesn’t.            
C. It doesn’t matter.        
C. It’s March 25th.       
C. No, you needn’t.       
1. How is the weather?
A. Snowy.
B. Sunny.
C. Windy.
2. How many people are there in Sam"s family?
A. Four.
B. Five.
C. Six.
3. What is Sam doing?

A. Painting. 
B. Swimming.
C. Talking.

4. Who is on the long chair?
A. Sam"s mother.
B. Sam"s father.
C. Sam"s grandmother.
5. How do the people on the beach feel (感觉)?
A. Sorry.
B. Tired.
C. Relaxed.
题型:四川省期末题难度:| 查看答案
How"s it going?What are they doing?How"s the weather?
Maria1. _______________2.________________
her grandmother
题型:山东省期末题难度:| 查看答案
版权所有 CopyRight © 2012-2019 超级试练试题库 All Rights Reserved.
(     )1. A. I do my homework.       
(     )2. A. Yes, he does.           
(     )3. A. Let’s go to the movie. 
(     )4. A. No, the video is boring.
(     )5. A. I want to go at six.    
B. I’m doing my homework.       
B. No, he is watching a movie.   
B. Sure.                     
B. No, he isn’t.                
B. I want to go to the library.
C. I want to go to the movie.    
C. Yes, he wants to watch TV.     
C. Let’s go at 7:00              
C. Yes, he does.                 
C. I am reading a book.