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试题【听句子,选出该句的最佳答语。(     )1. A. I like it very much.     (     )2. A. when I was 26 y】;主要考察你对特殊题型等知识点的理解。[详细]
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(     )1. A. I like it very much.    
(     )2. A. when I was 26 years old.
(     )3. A. In ten minutes.         
(     )4. A. I don’t like science.  
(     )5. A. I want some apples.     
B. Dumplings.     
B. No, I haven’t.     
B. Every day.       
B. Music.        
B. Good idea.     
C. What about you?       
C. For 10 years.         
C. Yesterday.            
C. I am good at English.                 
C. It’s very kind of you.
1. How old may Mary be?
A. 30 years old.
B. 13 years old.
C. 18 years old.
2. Will Li Ming go to Gina"s birthday party?
A. Yes, he will.
B. No, he won"t.
C. We don"t know. 
3. What is the woman looking for?
A.A policeman.
B.A traffic light.
C.A bus stop.
4. What may the woman buy for Kate?
A. A card.
B. A cake.
C. A jacket.
5. Where are the two speakers?
A. In the shop.
B. In the restaurant.
C. In the library.
1. When did Chen Qiang move to Hebei?
A. 12 years ago.
B. 3 years ago.
C. 2 years ago.
1. How did they go to the sea?
A. By bus.
B. By train.
C. By bike. 
2. What did the speaker"s father do?
A. Went fishing.
B. Went swimming.
C. Played with others.
1. How many miles does Mr. Brown walk every day?
A. 2 miles.
B. 3 miles.
C. 6 miles.
2. Why do they walk very quickly?
A. Because they want to walk faster.
B. Because it is good for their health.
C. Because they have something important to do.
1. Where did Bob go for Christmas?
A. To New York.
B. To London.
C. To Beijing.
2. Who did Bob stay with?
A. His cousin.
B. His friend.
C. His father.
3. Where did they put the Christmas tree?
A. In the kitchen.
B. In the bedroom.
C. In the living room.
4. Whose friends did they see?
A. Bob"s.
B. Tom"s.
C. Bob"s mother"s.
5. What did the girl think of Bob"s trip?
A. Very boring.
B. Very surprising.
C. Very interesting.