B. By coach.
C. By taxi.
B. They go to work by highway.
C. They take buses or taxis to work.
B. Because he ate too much seafood.
C. Because he ate too much pork.
B. Students" favourite subjects.
C. Teenagers" problems.
B. Discovery Channel.
C. Film Channel.
B. Because she is tired and does not want to.
C. Because she is deeply attracted by the nice film.
B. Their plan for the weekend.
C. Buying computers.
B. The Palace Museum.
C. The Science & Technology Museum.
B. An exhibition of computers.
C. A charity show.
( )2. A. A teacher.
( )3. A. More than three years.
( )4. A. She only watches
TV at night.
( )5. A. He has to buy a coat.
( )6. A. She has changed
her work.
( )7. A. He wants to get a
son and a girl.
( )8. A. Doing business.
( )9. A. Stronger.
B. A doctor.
B. Less than three years.
B. There was a TV program
on spaceship.
B. It"s a cold day.
B. She is thinking about
a new job.
B. He likes to have a
son better.
B. Traveling around.
B. More careful.
C. A policewoman.
C. Just three years.
C. She has seen a
spaceship on TV.
C. He"s not well.
C. She has changed
her mind.
C. He wants to have
a nice girl.
C. Working without a holiday.
C. More beautiful.
B. He has gone to his hometown.
C. He has gone to Jianglin.
B. 85123465.
C. 52123486.
- 1某同学进行实验研究时,欲配1.0mol•L-1Ba(OH)2溶液,但只找到在空气中暴露已久的Ba(OH)2·8H2O试剂
- 2镁和铝分别与等浓度、等体积的过量稀硫酸反应,产生气体的体积(V)与时间(t)关系如图。反应中镁和铝的[ ]A.物
- 3徐州市某中学九年级(1)班决定围绕“全面奔小康、建设新徐州”召开一次主题班会活动,请你结合所学知识与他们一起完成。 20
- 4如图所示,实线为电场线,虚线为带电粒子(重力不计)的运动轨迹,电场中A、B两点的电势分别为φA、φB,粒子在A、B两点的
- 5— People should stop using their cars and start using public
- 6.He was feeling bad. He went to work, _______, and tried to
- 7阅读《〈论语〉十则》,完成问题。 子曰:“学而时习之,不亦说乎?有朋自远方来,不亦乐乎?人不知而不愠,不亦君子乎?”
- 8(2014·郑州模拟)已知函数f(x)=ex+ax,g(x)=ax-lnx,其中a≤0.(1)求f(x)的极值.(2)若
- 9甲袋和乙袋中都装有大小相同的红球和白球,已知甲袋中共有m个球,乙袋中共有2m个球,从甲袋中摸出1个球为红球的概率为25,
- 10约分:(1)9a2(x+y)3a(x+y);(2)9-x2x2+5x+6;(3)an+2-a2bna2n+1-ab2n;
- 1Leonardo may have been the greatest genius(天才) have eve
- 2下列命题:①4的平方根是2;②所有的矩形都相似;③“在一个标准大气压下,将水加热到100℃就会沸腾”是必然事件;④在同一
- 3 已知:为常数)(1)若,求的最小正周期及单调区间;(2)若在[上最大值与最小值之和为3,求的值.
- 4“宗法者,辨先祖宗庙昭穆亲疏之法也。”这说明“宗法”强调的是A.政治隶属B.血缘等级C.尊奉服从D.分配继承
- 5下列各量:①密度 ②浮力 ③风速 ④温度,其中是向量的个数有( )个.A.1B.3C.2D.4
- 6软水和硬水的区别是水中______含量不同,实验室用______鉴别软水和硬水,日常生活中可用______方法把硬水变成
- 7中国古代通常采用农历来纪年,如1894年发生的中日战争,史称 中日战争;1898年光绪帝下诏实行的维新变法,史
- 8中学生小刚在放学回家的路上,看到本班同学小江被几个身强力壮的社会青年拦住搜身。小刚未加思索,立即上前替小江打抱不平,结果
- 9四川成都平原素有“天府之国”的美称,从历史上看,使成都平原变成“天府之国”的美称的重要水利工程是( )A.郑国渠 B.
- 10阅读下面的文章,完成小题。(共10分)就为了多看一眼 (依娃)父亲过世后,我时常提醒自己,要让一辈子穷苦煎熬过来