A. By 10:00
B. At 10:00
C After 10:00
2. What isn"t Wu Yu allowed to do?
A. To wear jeans.
B. To get her ears pierced.
C. To choose her own clothes.
3. What are you like?
A. Outgoing and serious,
B. Funny and smart,
C. creative and outgoing.
4. What would you give to her?
A. Some money .
B. some candy
C. Some coffee
5. When can you go shopping with your friends?
A. On Saturday afternoon
B. On Sunday afternoon.
C. On Thursday
A. students; class
B. teachers; school
C. students; school
D. teachers; class
A. John; Bruce"s
B. John; Dick"s
C. Dick; Bruce"s
D. Dick; John"s
A. John
B. Bruce
C. Dick
D. them all
A. went to swim
B. went to see John
C. watched a football game
D. did their lessons
A. He did some reading.
B. He went swimming.
C. He stayed at home.
D. He helped Dick with his lessons.
( )2. A. Yes, I"m looking
for a camera.
( )3. A. The farm and
the people.
( )4. A. Of course, I will.
( )5. A. Yes, I am.
but I need it now.
B. Thanks.
B. It"s about a poor,
kind-hearted man.
B. Thanks. I won"t.
B. No, I"m not.
I need it now.
C. You must
help me.
C. Very interesting.
C. Be careful
C. Neither.
( )2. A. It was very cold.
( )3. A. Everyone.
( )4. A. He will ask her to
turn down the TV.
( )5. A. People don"t need
radios any more.
B. It was a sunny day.
B. All except Li Ming.
B. He will ask her
to turn up t he TV.
B. He doesn"t like
C. It was rainy.
C. Li Ming.
C. He will ask her to
turn off the TV.
C. There will still be radios
in the world.
B. China
C. Canada.
B. In the afternoon.
C. Two years ago.
B. a black rubbish bag.
C. a dog.
B. 8.
C. 12.
B. He often spent three hours cleaning the forest every day.
C. It makes him feel happy to do something for the environment.
- 1下列关于核能的说法中,正确的是:( )A.核能和煤、石油一样都是常规能源,而不是新能源B.核能和太阳能、风能、水能一样都
- 2——You seem to be an actor. ____ . I have played many parts
- 3 听下面6段对话或独白, 从每题A、B、C三个选项中,选出能回答问题的最佳选项。每段对话或独白读两遍。 听下面是
- 4下列环境问题中,不属于生态破坏问题的是: A.世界性的土地荒漠化的加剧B.我国南方低山丘陵区的“红色”荒漠化C.工业“三
- 5 2008年5月12日14时28分04.0秒,四川省汶川县映秀镇发生里氏8.0级地震,你知道这次地震是由哪些
- 6随着生活水平的提高,人们的饮食结构和饮食习惯正趋于多元化,在此过程中,肥胖病患者呈现上升趋势.其中,青少年和儿童肥胖患者
- 7先化简代数式(a+1a-1+1a2-2a+1)÷aa-1,然后在-1,0,1,2这几个数中选取一个你喜欢的a值代入求值.
- 8将下列语句依次填入文中的横线上,使上下文语意连贯_____________(只填序号)。 美国当代人文主义思想学家马斯
- 92009年11月20日,湖南省文化强省建设工作会议召开,湖南省委书记张春贤在会议上指出:富民强省既取决于经济硬实力·也取
- 10下列过程中,只发生物理变化的是( )A..火箭发射B..节日焰火C.干冰升华D..葡萄酿酒
- 1常用的统计图有( ) 、( )和( )三种.
- 2阅读下面两段文字,完成问题。 予观夫巴陵胜状,在洞庭一湖。衔远山,吞长江,浩浩汤汤,横无际涯;朝晖夕阴,气象万千。此则
- 3在220V的电路上装有额定电流为5A的保险丝,在这个电路中最多能装接“220V 40W”的电灯( )A.27盏B.28
- 4两个质量相同的小球A和B,分别从水平地面上O点正上方高度分别为4L和L处水平抛出,恰好击中距离O点2L的地面上同一目标,
- 5如图是名画《向日葵》,1987年日本安田公司以2250万英镑的高价买下了它。创下当时世界油画价格之最。这幅名画的作者是(
- 6已知函数f(x)=log2(2x-1),求:(13分)(1) f(x)的定义域.(2)使f(x)>1的x的取值范围
- 7Tom’s mother often requires that he more time in study
- 82013年开始我国商业银行逐步将磁条银行信用卡改为IC银行信用卡,“IC卡”俗称智能卡,由于采用了最先进的智能卡技术,I
- 9有一场强方向与x轴平行的静电场,电势φ随坐标x变化的图线如图所示,如规定x轴正方向为场强的正方向,则该静电场的场强E随x
- 10为探究CO2和NaOH确实发生了化学反应,某实验小组的同学设计出了下列4种实验装置,请回答下列问题: