B. No, there isn"t.
C. No, but there are lots of wonderful things.
B. Before she was nine.
C. When it was nine.
B. No, she doesn"t.
C. Yes, she is kind.
B. They"re expensive
C. they"re cheep
B. How to look after flowers.
C. How to cook.
B. Once a month.
C. Once a week
试题【听对话,选择正确的答案。1. Where is the zoo? 2. What"s Max like? 3. Which pencil box is】;主要考察你对特殊题型等知识点的理解。[详细]
B. Because Amy is kind and likes helping people.
C. Because Amy is in the same class with Sandy.
B. Sandy.
C. Nick.
B. By bus.
C. On foot.
B. Between the cinema and shop.
C. Between Jack"s house and school.
B. When there was some water there.
C. When the children played football there.
A. His father.
B. His mother.
C. His teacher.
B.Because he couldn"t play in the water.
C.Because his father was angry(生气的) with him.
A. Three.
B. Six.
C. Eight.
B. Kitty.
C. Nancy.
B. The Swimming Club.
C. The Reading Club.
B. In a shopping center
C. In a school
B. They take exams
C. They are free to do anything
B. A dictionary
C. A mobile phone
B. 3 months
C. 4 months
B. In a shoe shop
C. In the library
B. Autumn
C. Summer
B. Shop
C. Party
B. Mr Chen
C. They’re the same age
B. Aunt Wang’s baby
C. Aunt Wang
B. By bus
C. On foot
- 1近几年,广东在珠江口附近海域沉置大量废弃船只,主要原因是( )A.阻止渔船在该海域捕鱼B.为该海域走私船只设置障碍
- 21mol甲烷完全与氯气发生取代反应,若生成相同物质的量的四种取代物,则消耗氯气的物质的量为( )A.1molB.2mo
- 3将下列句子翻译成现代汉语。 (1)庖丁释刀对曰:“臣之所好者道也,进乎技矣……”译文:_________________
- 4质量为m的汽车行驶在平直的公路上,在运动过程中所受阻力不变.当汽车的加速度为a,速度为v时发动机的功率为P1,则当功率恒
- 5根据要求画出图形:(1)如图,一根木棒竖直立在地面上,请你画出它在灯光下的影子.(2)如图,已知五边形A"B"C"D"E
- 6在文中横线处填入下列语句,衔接最恰当的一项是中国古典园林艺术在审美上的最大特点,就是有意境。 , 。 ,
- 7I have to go to the new building under_____ construction, an
- 8在如图所示的杠杆中,O是____________,若F1是动力,则F2是____________,动力臂是_______
- 9有一瓶无色液体X,分成等量的三份,向其中分别加入少量的稀盐酸、硝酸铵溶液、硫酸铜溶液,产生的现象如下表.则该无色液体X是
- 10【题文】下列加点词用法与其他几项不同的一项是( )(3分)A.前辟四窗B.秉烛夜游C.
- 1有些同学喜欢偶像,但应看到“金无足赤,人无完人”。这对我们的启示是[ ]A.我们应善于从不同榜样的身上学习不同的
- 2短周期元素Q、R、T、W在元素周期表中的位置如图所示,其中,T所处的周期序数与主族序数相等。请回答下列问题(1)T的原子
- 3默写(6分)小题1: 假如生活欺骗了你,_______,_______!(普希金《假如生活欺骗了你》)小题2:正是江南好
- 4已知命题p:函数y =" 2x" - 2-x 在R上为减函数;命题q:函数y =" 2x" + 2-x在R上为增函数;则
- 5已知⊙O1的直径r为6cm,⊙O2的直径R为8cm,两圆的圆心距O1O2为1cm,则这两圆的位置关系是 [ ]A
- 6红色元素一直被认为是喜庆、庄重和成功的象征在中华民族流行。这表明A.经年累月形成的文化习俗对人的影响是难以抹去的B.文化
- 7一条抛物线经过点(0,0)、(12,0),则这条抛物线的对称轴是直线
- 8设飞机在飞行中所受阻力与其速度的平方成正比,若飞机以速度v飞行,其发动机功率为p,则飞机以2v匀速飞行时,其发动机的功率
- 9下列各句中,没有语病的一句是( )(3分)A.恪守孝道的平凡女孩孟佩杰,用她稚嫩的双肩全力撑起了几经风雨的家。她的行
- 10保护公民的合法财产及其所有权的重要武器是__________,保护公民合法财产及其所有权的锐利武器是__________