on to your dream, and one day they may just come true. [ ]
A. Take
B. Get
C. Carry
D. Hold
A. Take
B. Get
C. Carry
D. Hold
—Did your uncle_______to Canada this morning?
—No ,he_______. [ ]
A. went ; didn"t
B. go ; didn"t
C. go ; doesn"t
D. went ; doesn"t
—No ,he_______. [ ]
A. went ; didn"t
B. go ; didn"t
C. go ; doesn"t
D. went ; doesn"t
-What________Betty________in the summer?
-She visited her aunt near the sea. [ ]
A. does ; do
B. did ; did
C. does ; did
D. did ; do
-She visited her aunt near the sea. [ ]
A. does ; do
B. did ; did
C. does ; did
D. did ; do
The young person _ to give the old woman a hand just now. [ ]
A. refused
B. finished
C. enjoyed
A. refused
B. finished
C. enjoyed
This kind of apple _______ delicious. I want one more. [ ]
A. seems
B. looks
C. tastes
A. seems
B. looks
C. tastes
—What _____ last night?
—A car hit against a tree. [ ]
A. happened
B. took place
C. was happened
—A car hit against a tree. [ ]
A. happened
B. took place
C. was happened
- 12010年9月,“2010中国(曲阜)国际孔子文化节”在曲阜举行。曲阜充分利用“国际孔子文化节”的优势,提出“打造国际文
- 2The new library, ______ last week, is very popular _____ the
- 3一个物体在相互垂直的两个力F1、F2的作用下运动,在2秒时间内F1、F2做的功分别为6J和8J时,则合力的功率是
- 4_____ help the people in the snowstorm in the south made him
- 5在曲线运动中下列说法正确的是( )A.加速度方向与运动方向一致B.加速度与位移方向相同C.加速度与速度方向垂直D.加速
- 6在Rt△ABC中∠C=90°,a、b分别为∠A、∠B所对的边,若b=3a,则∠B=______.
- 7香港和澳门分别位于哪条河流河口的东侧和西侧 A.长江B.珠江C.海河D.闽江
- 8取少量无机盐溶液,对其中的离子进行检验。下列判断正确的是( )A.加入盐酸,产生白色沉淀,则试样中一定有Ag+B.加入
- 92009年统计数据表明,我国农村养老金领取人口比例为4.8%,城市养老金领取人口比例为78%;城市企业退休人员基本养老金
- 10(1)计算:(2)解方程:
- 1As a wise department manager, he possesses a unique way to _
- 2The declaration____saving the rivers and giving people their
- 3“端午节”前,质监部门对市场上的粽叶进行专项检查时,发现有些颜色翠绿的粽叶是用硫酸铜溶液浸泡的,人吃了用这种粽叶包的粽子
- 4不属于科学探究常用的方法有 [ ]A.收集和分析资料 B.设计探究实验 C.临摹细胞图 D.观察和调查
- 5下列各句中,加粗的成语使用最恰当的一句是[ ]A.我国正在制订的《国家教育中长期改革和发展纲要》令人期待,它必将
- 6我们的生活需要化学.日常生活中的下列做法,不正确的是( )A.用甲醛浸泡海产品***菌和保鲜B.发酵后的面团中加入纯碱做馒
- 7下图所示战役的意义在于[ ]A.揭开人民解放军全国性战略反攻的序幕B.基本解放华北全境C.为解放长江以南各省奠定
- 8如图是襄樊地区一天的气温随时间变化的图象,根据图象回答:在这一天中:(1)气温T(℃)_______(填“是”或“不是”
- 9维生素是人体必需的营养和能量物质。 [ ]
- 10司马迁所著的史学巨著是A.《史记》B.《汉书》C.《资治通鉴》D.《道德经》