2. He is my friend. (good)
3. How does he know his friends? (good)
4. He enjoys toys with other children. (share)
5. Are you going to join a competition? (write)
6. The boy looks . (fun)
7. John is a young man. (help)
8. We should be to each other. (friend)
9. The present made me . (happily)
10. His voice sounds . (music)
6. funny 7. helpful 8. friendly 9. happy 10. musical
试题【用所给词的正确形式填空。1. May I have some milk? (much)2. He is my fri】;主要考察你对形容词比较等级的用法等知识点的理解。[详细]
1. She is in her class. (pretty)
2. I am tall but my brother is still .(tall)
3. He plays football as as, if not than I. (well)
4. His brother studies hard but he is . (lazy)
5. I think fishing is than hunting. (interesting)
6. Alice is of the three daughters. (beautiful)
7. Which is , China or America? (large)
8. He sings but he dances much . (well)
9. "Are you feeling any ? (well)" "No, even . (bad)"
10. This problem is very . That one is . (easy)
2. We have rain this year than last year. (much)
3. The question isn"t so hard. Everyone can answer it (easy).
4. Everybody needs help. (other)
5. "What can we do for the people?" They often ask . (they)
6. We mustn"t hunt the animals. (protect)
7. Who jumps in your class? (high)
8. It isn"t to talk to him. He won"t listen to you. (use)
9. I don"t know why he isn"t coming to the party tonight. (real)
10. How it is snowing! (heavy)
— Yes, and I"m thirty minutes ______ than him.
B. bigger
C. heavier
D. older
B. much beautiful
C. more beautiful
D. the most beautiful
— I think so. She is busy every day.
B. less
C. more
D. fewer
- 1-I have missed a chance to go to Beijing University.-_______
- 2x2+16x+m是完全平方式,则m=( )A.4B.16C.32D.64
- 3如图所示,一根长为L不可伸长的绝缘细丝线一端固定于O点,另一端系住一质量为m的带电小球。将此装置放在水平向右的匀强电场E
- 4为了减小高速行驶的车辆产生的噪声对高速公路两侧居民的干扰,通常在高速公路两侧立有一定高度的隔音板.立隔音板是为了( )
- 5综合性实践活动(12分)为纪念世界反法西斯战争胜利66周年,凤凰中学八年级(1)班将开展一次以“世界何时铸剑为犁”为主题
- 6小李的血液与A型血清发生凝集反应,与B型血清不发生凝集反应,他的血型为( )A.A型B.B型C.AB型D.O型
- 7国土辽阔、区域差异大是我国的一个基本国情。如何做才能促进区域的可持续发展?(5分)
- 8在下面一段文字横线处补写恰当的语句,使整段文字语意完整连贯,内容贴切,逻辑严密。每处不超过13个字。(6分)正月十五是中
- 9图5反映了某次革命的场景。革命***向支持苏维埃政权的工农兵代表说:“同志们,我们布尔什维克党的同志们,资产阶级临时政府
- 10关于时刻和时间,下列说法正确的是[ ]A.时刻表示时间短,时间表示时间长B.时刻对应位置,时间对应位移C.作息时
- 1孝敬父母是中华民族的传统美德,也是我们做人的本分,这是因为[ ]①父母赋予我们生命,对我们有生育之恩 ②父母
- 2棱长为的正方体的个顶点都在球的表面上,分别是棱、的中点,则过两点的直线被球截得的线段长为____________
- 3地面附近空间中存在着水平方向的匀强电场和匀强磁场,已知磁场方向垂直纸面向里,一个带电油滴沿着一条与竖直方向成α角的直线M
- 4实验室常用NaNO2和NH4Cl反应制取N2。下列有关说法正确的是A.NaNO2是还原剂B.NH4Cl中N元素被还原C.
- 5粮食、水果等食物具有满足人们营养需要的属性;衣物、房屋等具有满足人们穿、住需要的属性;书籍、艺术等具有满足人们精神需要的
- 61. How soon can we learn a foreign language according to the
- 7阅读下面一篇文言文,回答问题 ——纸上得来终绝浅,绝知此事要躬行文翁,庐江舒人也。少好学
- 8________ is known to us all that the world weather is gettin
- 9下列变化中,属于物理变化的是( )A.钢铁生锈B.瓷碗破碎C.食物腐败D.火药爆炸
- 10下列去括号中,正确的是( )A.a-(b-c)=a-b-cB.c+2(a-b)=c+2a-bC.a-(b-c)=a+b