B. big
C. small
D. green
试题【These shorts are very long but those shorts are too _____. [ ]A. short B. 】;主要考察你对形容词等知识点的理解。[详细]
—Because it"s _____.
B. fun
C. exciting
D. difficult
2. Do you think Mary have a TV?
3. Can Li Lei play the tennis?
4. The boys play football on every Monday afternoon.
5. Does Tom has a baseball bat?
6. ---Can you go with me? --- Sorry, I’m not.
7. Are you want to watch TV?
8. Let’s to have a look.
9. They only watch it in TV.
10. Please to take these balls to the room.
—OK. I show you a _____ one.
B. high;high
C. high;cheap
D. big;dear
1. I like ______ (China) action movies.
2. Beijing Opera is ______ (real) fun!
3. The story is very ______ (interest).
4. The map is on the wall of ______ (they) mother"s room.
5. Please come in and have a cup of tea with ______ (we).
6. Can you tell ______ (I) a story?
7. There are many ______ (desk) and a chair in the classroom.
8. Tom Green is an ______ (art).
9. The boy is ten ______ (year) old.
10. My birthday is June ______ (five).
- 1Jackson has been out of work for a long time.So he wants to
- 2我国是世界文明古国,有些化学工艺发明较早。我国掌握冶铁技术的历史时期是[ ]A.商代B.春秋战国 C.唐代 D.
- 3在△ABC中,D、E、F分别是AB、BC、AC的中点,若△ABC的周长为30cm,则△DFE的周长为______cm.
- 4若实数a,b,c成等比数列,则函数的图像与轴交点的个数为( )A.0个B.1个C.2个D.不能确定
- 5宇宙中的两个星球可以组成双星,它们只在相互间的万有引力作用下,绕球心连线的某点做匀速圆周运动.则下列说法正确的是A.双星
- 6已知x+y=-4,xy=-12,则y+1x+1+x+1y+1的值是______.
- 7【题文】下列有关表述不正确的一项是 &
- 8下列溶液中有关物质的量浓度关系不正确的是 [ ]A.1 L 0.1 mol/LCuSO4·(NH4)2SO4·6
- 9若y=sin2x+2pcosx+q有最大值9和最小值3,求实数p,q的值.
- 10—What"s this in English?一______. [ ]A. It"s a apple B. I
- 1下列词语中加点字读音全都不相同的一组是( )A.编辑作揖舟楫修葺缉拿归案B.诽谤绯红徘徊悱恻妄自菲薄C.寥落悖谬屠戮
- 2将下列词语依次填入横线处,最恰当的一组是( )①作文的开头写不写 ,要视情况而定,切不可千篇一律。②用一
- 3---Jack didn’t pass the examination last week. ---_______? H
- 4种群在理想环境中,呈“J”型曲线增长;在有环境阻力条件下,呈“S”型曲线增长(如下图)。下列有关种群增长曲线的叙述正确的
- 5甲乙两汽车沿同一平直公路同向匀速行驶,甲车在前乙车在后,它们行驶的速度均为16m/s,已知甲车紧急刹车时加速度,乙车紧急
- 6一个定值电阻的阻值是300Ω,接在电压为15V的电源上,则通过该电阻的电流是______mA.若使通过该电阻的电流为0.
- 7太阳是太阳系的中心天体,地球是太阳系的八颗行得之一。据此完成下列问题。小题1:地求在宇宙的位置可以描述为①是地月系的中心
- 8某类硝酸盐受热分解的产物为不含氮元素的固体物质和NO2、O2气体:(1)某种硝酸盐受热分解后,若产生NO2和O2的物质的
- 9下面是实验室制取和收集气体的装置,请按要求作答: (1)仪器a的名称是____________ 。(2)用B装置制取气体
- 10On Sundays there were a lot of children playing in the park,