—______ I watch TV now. Mum?
—Sure, but you ______ finish your homework first. [ ]
A. Must; needn"t
B. Can; may
C. Can; must
D. May; mustn"t
—Sure, but you ______ finish your homework first. [ ]
A. Must; needn"t
B. Can; may
C. Can; must
D. May; mustn"t
试题【—______ I watch TV now. Mum?—Sure, but you ______ finish your homework first. [ 】;主要考察你对词法等知识点的理解。[详细]
Your mother looks a bit disappointed. You ______ have told her the truth. [ ]
A. should
B. must
C. can
A. should
B. must
C. can
Her new company is far away. She _______ take the subway to work. [ ]
A. must
B. are going to
C. has to
D. would like to
A. must
B. are going to
C. has to
D. would like to
—I just found an MP4 on my desk. Whose MP4 is this?
—Oh, that ______ be John"s. He"s been looking for his MP4 for an hour. [ ]
A. must
B. might
C. can"t
—Oh, that ______ be John"s. He"s been looking for his MP4 for an hour. [ ]
A. must
B. might
C. can"t
Look out! The knife is very sharp. You ______ cut your finger.
B. must
C. should
D. may
[ ]
A. needB. must
C. should
D. may
—Look,the girl at the gate _____ be my sister. She is always singing there every day.
—No. It _____ be her. She is dancing in the room now. [ ]
A. must, can
B. could, couldn"t
C. must, can"t
D. might, must
—No. It _____ be her. She is dancing in the room now. [ ]
A. must, can
B. could, couldn"t
C. must, can"t
D. might, must
- 1在直角坐标系中,⊙P、⊙Q的位置如图所示.下列四个点中,在⊙P外部且在⊙Q内部的是( )A.(1,2)B.(2,1)C
- 2请将下列物质的化学式选填在相应的横线上.可供选用的物质是:炭黑、食盐、胆矾、烧碱、纯碱、二氧化碳.(1)可用于湿法炼铜的
- 3下图为“某国家工业区发展变化图”,完成下列各题。 小题1:甲工业区的特点是A.大中型企业为主B.环境污染较小C.科技力量
- 4图4为“不同季节部分纬度范围内气压带、风带分布示意图”。读图并完成。甲、乙、丙、丁四图所反映的全球气压带、风带分布状况中
- 5如图所示,在皮带传动装置中,主动轮和从动轮半径不等,a、b、c是轮上不同的点,皮带与轮之间无相对滑动,则下列说法中正确的
- 6What he said just now _______me of that American professor.[
- 7判断题,正确的写A,错误的写B。1.“凄神寒骨,悄怆幽邃”这一情景交融的句子表现了柳宗元被贬官后心情的悲凉。( )2
- 8斯塔夫里阿诺斯在《全球通史》中写道:他们都是些注重实践的政治家,而不是哲学家,他们关心的是改革社会,以加强他们所奉事的诸
- 9研究历史离不开文字资料,文字是人类文明的重要见证。我国有文字可考的历史是从_________(朝代)开始的。秦始皇统一文
- 10风车应做成中心对称图形,并且不是轴对称图形,才能在风口处平稳旋转.现有一长条矩形硬纸板(其中心有一个小孔)和两张全等的矩
- 1用used to或一般现在时完成句子。1. I used to play tennis. I stopped playi
- 2(本题满分14分)设为非负实数,函数.(Ⅰ)当时,求函数的单调区间;(Ⅱ)讨论函数的零点个数,并求出零点.
- 3This is ____book I borrowed yesterday. Isn"t it ____interest
- 4下列试剂的贮存方法错误的是A.苯用带橡胶塞的试剂瓶贮存B.浓硝酸存放在棕色试剂瓶中C.少量白磷存放在水中D.少量金属钠存
- 5某同学用托盘天平称量固体物质时;把固体物质放在右盘,砝码放在左盘,称得固体物质的质量为10.8 g(1克以下用游码),如
- 6明清时期影响资本主义萌芽发展的因素主要有______、______和闭关锁国政策。
- 7西南旱灾发生后,冯小刚、陈道明、张国立等影视明星联名发起“心系灾区,送水赈灾”活动,并率先捐出共100万元的购水善款;慈
- 8如下图,该物体的俯视图是[ ]A.B.C.D.
- 9. ______ this job doesn’t pay very much, but ______ I can’t
- 10我国公民的出版自由有法律保障,但有些出版物则属法律禁止和打击的对象,这些出版物是 [ ]①盗版书籍②宣扬色情