violin piano cancer sausage headache discuss daily guitar cabbage SARS
1. 疾病名称:
2. 水果蔬菜:
3. 形状特征:
4. 行为动作:
5. 乐器名称:
2. 水果蔬菜: tomato potato cabbage sausage
3. 形状特征: ugly healthy humorous daily
4. 行为动作: protect follow rebuild discuss
5. 乐器名称: drum violin piano guitar
2. Before you enter the teacher"s office, you must k__________ on the door first.
3. Bill Gates is a very r_________ man in the world. He has billions of dollars.
4. Mr Gao is eighty years old, but he has some m___________ ideas.
5. Can you tell me the m___________ of the word? Sorry, you should look it up in the dictionary.
6. Yang Liwei and Zhan Tianyou are national h_________.
7. Some people are p___________ flowers in the garden.
2. There is a store in front of our b ______?
3. I can d ______ ballet.
4. Mike and Mary came to Kangkang"s home to c ______ his birthday.
5. I will go to Hainan for my summer h______.
6. Did you r ______ a Chinese poem at the party?
7. My favorite s ______ is winter.
8. What"s the w______ like today?
9. I am going to t ______ to some places of interest.
10. In the Spring F , Chinese people make dumpling and perform lion and dragon dances.
2. My cousin can"t s_____ soap operas.
3. He is medium height with curly and b______ hair.
4. He works in a TV station. He is a r_______.
5. The hotel is n_____ to the bank.
2. I think my father can help you m______ your broken bike.
3. I have two pencils. One is short, the other is l______.
4. Please open the w______. It"s getting hot here.
5. Something is w______ with my bike. May I borrow yours?
- 1In the 21st century, all nations must take their ________of
- 2下列各数中,最小的是( )A.-2 B.-3 C.0 D.6
- 32010年10月15日至18日中国共产党十七届五中全会在北京举行,会议审议通过了《中共中央关于制定国民经济和社会发展第十
- 4如图,是圆的直径,点是圆上异于的点,直线 分别为的中点。(1)记平面与平面的交线为,试判断与平面的位置关系,并加以说明;
- 51927年,轰轰烈烈的国民革命运动失败了。得出这一结论的最主要依据是( )A.国共两党分裂了B.没有完成反帝反封建的
- 6下列关于植物气孔的叙述,错误的是( )A.气孔是由两个保卫细胞围成的空腔B.气孔是蒸腾失水的门户C.气孔是二氧化碳进出
- 7当a=-1,b=-2时,代数式a2-ab的值是______.
- 8从汉代起,皇帝都有特殊的庙号、谥号和年号,比如汉武帝、唐太宗、康熙帝等,这实质上反映了( )A.人们对皇帝功绩的赞誉B
- 9下列叙述正确的是 [ ]A.非金属原子间以共价键结合的物质都是共价化合物B.含有共价键的化合物都是共价化合物 C
- 10解方程(4分);
- 1有人说:“只要不做法律禁止做的事,就是忠实的履行了义务”。请谈谈你对此观点的理解。___________________
- 2某商场家电销售部有营业员20名,为了调动营业员的积极性,决定实行目标管理,即确定一个月的销售额目标,根据目标完成情况对营
- 3After a knock at the door, the child heard his mother"s voic
- 4现有一特殊电池,它的电动势E约为9V,内阻r约为40Ω,已知该电池允许输出的最大电流为50mA.为了测定这个电池的电动势
- 5下列化学用语错误的是A.NaCl的电子式B.甲烷的结构式C.氨分子的结构式D.羟基电子式
- 6下表中,对陈述I、Ⅱ的正确性及两者间是否具有因果关系的判断都正确的是
- 7用适当的词填空。1. Things _____ glass,paper, and plastic can all be
- 8羟基扁桃酸是药物合成的重要中间体,它可由苯酚和乙醛酸反应制得下列有关说法正确的是 ( )A.苯酚和羟基扁桃酸
- 9下列措施中属于增大压强的是( )A.在铁轨下面铺枕木B.将家用的菜刀磨的锋利一些C.书包带做的宽一些D.载重汽车要安装
- 1014世纪,在英国兴起了文艺复兴运动,代表人物有但丁、达·芬奇等。[ ]