—Do you often take exercise every day?
—Yeah, I want to be a sport player. Doing that can build me up.( )
A. cheer me up
B. make me stronger
C. keep me active
D. change me more
试题【从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出与所给句子划线部分意义相同或相近并能代替的那一项。—Do you often take exercise every day? 】;主要考察你对词法等知识点的理解。[详细]
2. They made a _________ (决定) to have a meeting in memory of “5.12 Earthquake” at school one month
3. Thanks to the policy, the government is sending home-electric machines to farmers, they can pay much
_______ (少的) money.
4. My daughter is looking forward to ________ (收到) letters from her friends.
5. It"s _________ (据说) that many babies have died from melamine (三聚氰胺) in milk power.
6. I"m waiting for my friend. If she _________ (返回), I"ll go shopping with her.
2. Your blue jeans ___________ (go well with) with your T-shirt very well.
3. I"m a top student, and I have a healthy ___________ (the food you usually eat) and lifestyle.
4. People usually think pigs are l__________. They say pigs do nothing but sleep and eat.
5. We don"t have e___________ food for supper. Let"s buy some from the supermarket.
6. A friend of mine is coming to v___________ me this Saturday. I"m looking forward to seeing him.
7. Every year we usually have a party to c___________ Spring Festival.
2. This pair of boots is _____________ (舒服) to wear.
3. "Can I borrow your dictionary?" _____________ (当然可以), here you are.
4. There are a lot of _____________ (现代的) buildings in our city.
5. Jack is good at making _____________ (模型) planes.
6. There are no _____________ (卡路里) in water, so you can drink it without getting fat.
7. Excuse me, where is the ______________ (厕所)?
8. Is there an_____________ (家电) shop near my school? Yes, there is.
9. I need more _____________ (土豆) to cook soup. Can you buy some for me?
10. At Halloween, people sometimes wear _____________ (特殊的) costumes.
B. exciting
C. important
- 12012年11月25日,歼—15舰载机成功阻拦着陆“辽宁号”航母后,又沿航母舰首14°上翘跑道滑跃式起飞,突破了阻拦着舰
- 2在印度民族大起义中涌现出的民族英雄是 ( )。A.克莱武B.章西女王C.洪秀全D.玻利瓦尔
- 3用化学用语填空:(1)酒精溶液中的溶质__________________。(2)氧化铝中铝元素的化合价______。(
- 4阅读下面的文字,完成后面题目。通常人们认为,人类的骨头对自身的保护全靠包裹在它外面的肌肉和皮肤,骨头对自身的保护则无能为
- 5动物学家在南美发现过一种被称为“树懒”的动物。这种动物行动非常缓慢,身上长有长毛,靠肺呼吸、胎生哺乳。根据这些特征树懒应
- 6形成我国冬季寒潮的天气系统是A.气旋B.反气旋C.冷锋D.暖锋
- 7关于光的传播,下列说法中正确的是( )A.光在所有的介质中传播的速度都是3×108m/sB.光总是沿直线传播的C.光在
- 8春暖花开的季节里,人们在公园常能闻到怡人的花香气味,这一现象说明______.为了便于运输和使用,通常将石油气加压变成液
- 9A、B两辆汽车在笔直的公路上同向行驶.当 B车在A车前84m处时,A车一直以20m/s的速度做匀速运动.B车速度为4m/
- 10下列说法正确的是( )A.在101 kPa、25℃时,中和热为57.3 kJ/mol,则表示Ba(OH)2的稀溶液与足
- 1日本遭受9级地震和海啸的重创,隔海相望的我国不计前嫌,上至政府下至普通百姓在第一时间表达了守望相助之情。我国政府已援助总
- 2写出一个大于2的无理数______.
- 3某影楼未经同学甲的同意,就将同学甲的照片刊登在影楼的橱窗里。该行为属于[ ]A.侵犯公民肖像权的行为B.违纪但不
- 4I think the best way to learn more English is to learn by___
- 52011年10月9日纪念辛亥革命 周年大会在北京举行。A.90B.95C.100D.110
- 62008年8月第29届奥运会将在北京开幕,5个城市的国际标准时间(单位:时)在数轴上表示如图所示,那么北京时间2008年
- 7现有①四氧化三铁,②空气,③铁粉,④氯酸钾,⑤液态氧,⑥冰水混合物等物质,其中属于混合物的是______;其中属于单质的
- 8将直线y=2x-4向上平移5个单位后,所得直线的解析式是 .
- 9平行四边形的一边等于14,它的对角线可能的取值是[ ]A.8cm和16cmB.10cm和16cmC.12cm和
- 10五四运动是新民主主义革命开端的标志,主要是因为 [ ]A、革命性质的变化 B、革命对象的变化 C、革命动力的变化