写词组 例如: The chores includes:
1) ________________________
2) ________________________
3) ________________________
4) ________________________
5) ________________________
2. sweep the floor
3. take out the trash
4. make my own bed
5. fold my clothes/clean the living room
试题【按要求填空。家务劳动包括哪些内容?写词组 例如: The chores includes: 1) ________________________ 2)】;主要考察你对词法等知识点的理解。[详细]
2. I have to help Bill f_______ his golden fish.
3. Johnson has some f_______ to ask you.
4. The students will have a w_______ party at the Chritmas Eve.
5. —I"m not feeling w_______, doctor.
—Nothing serious. You will feel b_______ soon.
1. Sometimes we ______ food at home.
2. I _______ drinking milk.
3. We often ______ CCTV news at 7:00 in the evening.
4. I ____ the Internet once a day.
5. The results for "read English books" ______ fun.
6. How often do you ______ to the English corner?
7. Everyone will ______ you if you need any help.
8. The sun ______ once a day.
9. Walking can ______ you in good health.
10. I ______ nine hours every night.
2. Farmers milk some m _____ from cows.
3. J_____ food isn"t good for your health.
4. I can"t do it by myself. Can you h_____ me?
5. I eat fruit three t_____ a week.
6. My father is very busy. He only plays basketball o_____ a week.
7. Does he drink milk every morning? No, hardly e_____.
—Sorry, you mustn"t. Look at the sign; it says "_____".
—It means "_____".
B. Be careful
C. Save water
D. Take care of the earth
- 1在数轴上表示-2的点离开原点的距离等于 [ ]A.2B.-2C.±2D.4
- 2标志着中华人民共和国诞生的事件是( )A.第一届政治协商会议的召开B.抗美援朝C.开国大典的举行D.西藏和平解放
- 3Tony, tell me the result of the discussion ______ you had wi
- 4.依次填入下列各句横线处的词语,最恰当的一组是 ( )①只有养成了习惯,才是 的、自觉的行为,道德
- 5文明礼貌要通过端庄的举止来体现,作为中学生应做到 [ ]①容貌清洁②服装整洁、大方③举止规范④有礼有节
- 6_____ small, the company has about 1000 buyers in over 30 co
- 7阅读下文,完成文后各题。“和”之内涵与定位 李中华春秋战国,是中国历史上的大变动时期。随着该时期政治、经济、文化的
- 8你知道新中国解决中国民族问题的基本政策 [ ]A.平等协商B.民主改革 C.土地改革 D.民族区域自治
- 9在△ABC中,,BC=3,则△ABC的周长为[ ]A.B.C.D.
- 101974年,西德外长谢尔说:“在‘九国’商谈有关政治行动、组织机构和自己前途的每一张谈判桌上,我们不能保证都有美国的座位
- 1某书店有一书架,其中有一格宽为88厘米,上面摆满了同一版本的数学练习册,若一本数学练习册厚1.3厘米,则书架的这一格最多
- 2下图是某物质发生化学变化的微观示意图。图中 分别表示两种元素的原子,仔细观察下图,回答下列问题:A B
- 3若(1+x)n=a0+a1x+a2x2+…+anxn,且an-1:an-2=1:3,则的展开式中的x2的系数是(
- 4For more information, please send an e-mail, ____ you can al
- 5滥伐森林可能引起的生态环境问题是[ ]A、河流含沙量增大 B、地下水位持续上升 C、土壤肥力下降 D、河流水位下
- 6下列词语中,没有错别字的一组是( )A.脉络里程碑顶顶大名盛名之下,其实难副B.矫健百叶窗戳力同心疾风知劲草C
- 7下列实验方法正确的是( )A.酸性高锰酸钾溶液可盛放在碱式滴定管中B.加热氯化铵固体制取氨气C.洗涤长期盛放氯化铁溶
- 8铁、铝、铜等金属及其化合物在日常生活中应用广泛,请根据下列实验回答问题:(1)生产中含有一种铁碳化合物X(Fe3C)。X
- 9I am a soldier. _______? Are you a soldier, too?A. What"s yo
- 10I asked John for _____ ink, but he didn"t have _____. [