2. The story made us 1_____.
3. He had a bad grade in the English test. His father wasn"t happy and
b_____ him yesterday evening
4. Jim likes math. But Jack likes p_____.
5. They don"t agree with you. They have other v_____.
6. Lucy does her s_____ every day.
2. laugh
3. beat
4. physics
6. schoolwork
试题【根据句意及首字母提示完成单词。1. He is very w_____. He always does things without thinking care】;主要考察你对词法等知识点的理解。[详细]
2. She can ______ (几乎不) walk any longer.
3. He can"t go to school because of his ______ (病).
4. What"s the matter w______ her?
5. Do you want to go f______ this weekend?
6. The ______ (旅客) are going to visit the Great Wall.
7. She wants to be an actress when she g______ up.
8. During the summer v______, my family will go to Qingdao for sightseeing.
9. We should keep the ______ (平衡) of nature.
10. There"s no ______ (不同) between the two boys.
2. balance (形容词) ___________
3. babysit (现在分词) ___________
4. bike (同义词) ___________
5. active (名词) ___________
6. little (比较级) ___________
7. far (比较级) ___________
8. stop (过去式) ___________
9. nine (序数词) ___________
10. free (反义词) ___________
2. _____ _____ the bananas.
3. _____ the bananas and ice cream _____ the blender.
4. _____ the milk _____ the blender.
5. _____ _____ the blender.
6. _____ the milk shake.
watermelon, peel, lettuce, relish, bread, ingredient
1. 可数名词: _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______
2. 不可数名词: _______ _______ _______ _______ _______
3. 动词: _______ _______ _______ _______
2. This is the r_____ for a super sandwich.
3. First, p_____ three bananas.
4. How m_____ mayonnaise (蛋黄酱) do we need?
5. R_____ to put relish on the bread.
6. Please p_____ the milk into the bowl.
7. You should eat more v_____ and fruit.
8. Please a_____ some relish to the chicken.
9. Did you t_____ many photos on the Great Wall?
10. I must study hard to w_____ the prize this term.
- 1对某一醇类作系统命名,其中正确的是 [ ]A.1,1-二甲基-3-丙醇 B.2-甲基-4-戊醇 C.3-甲基-
- 2下列物理量中,属于矢量的是( )A.力B.速度C.质量D.加速度
- 3下列各组物质中,满足下图所示物质一步转化关系的选项是[ ]XYZA.NaNaOHNaHCO3B.CuCuSO4C
- 42008年8月8日中国北京举办第29届奥运会。这是世界盛事,更是中国人民的盛事,奥运会首先出现在古代希腊,那么作为一个古
- 5夏天,小明同学从冰箱中取出一瓶汽水放在桌子上,过一会儿,小明发现汽水瓶上有一层水珠,小明想:是瓶子碎了吗?他仔细检查了一
- 6合欢树有像羽毛一样叶子,叶片在白天舒展开来,夜晚又折合起来.影响叶片开合的非生物因素主要是( )A.湿度B.阳光C.水
- 7菱形的周长为20cm,两邻角的比为1:3,则菱形的面积为( )A.25cm2B.16cm2C.2522cm2D.162
- 8下列文学文化常识叙述有错误的一项是( )A.干支纪年是用十天干(甲、乙、丙、丁、戊、己、庚、辛、壬、癸)和十二地支(子
- 9 ____ the English examination I would have gone to the conce
- 10煤荒、电荒、水荒、油荒……这些词语成了新闻中的热词;上学难、看病难、出行难、就业难……这些词语成了古姓的心病。据此回答问
- 1“为人师表”、“言传身教”、“以身作则”等成语皆体现了( )A.人们在实践活动中形成各种不同的人生观B.一个人的高
- 2十八大报告提出:“实现国内生产总值和城乡居民人均收入比2010年翻一番。”为千方百计增加居民收入,报告还提出了“两个同步
- 3求证:有两角及这两角夹边上的高对应相等的两个三角形全等.(请画出图形,将命题写成“已知”、“求证”的形式后再证明)
- 4 人类历史发展的过程,就是各种文明不断交流、融合、创新的过程。被誉为古代“东西方文化交流的使者”的是 [
- 5下面能正确反应呼吸作用的公式是( )A.有机物→二氧化碳+水B.有机物+氧气→二氧化碳+水C.有机物→二氧化碳+水+能
- 6下图(图中曲线表示等压线)中风力最弱的是[ ]A、AB、BC、CD、D
- 7作文(40分)在人生的成长过程中,有欢乐,有忧伤;有振作,也有迷惘;有师长的叮咛和教诲,有同学的宽容和赞赏……一件件往事
- 8如图,在直角坐标系中:(1)描出下列各点,并将这些点用线段依次连接起来:(-2,4),(-3,8),(-8,4),(-3
- 9阅读下面文章,回答问题。母亲的羽衣张晓风 ①讲完了牛郎织女的故事,儿子已经垂睫睡去,女儿却犹自瞪着坏坏的眼睛。忽然,她
- 10计算32+122-132-22的结果为( )A.2B.72C.726D.33