2. Mr Wang sits b_______ Tom and Jack.
3. It"s time for lunch, Let"s go to the r_______.
4. —Where"s Jim?
—I think he is in the l_______, he likes reading.
5. Don"t play footba11 in the s_______.
2. A: Where"s the post office?
B: Go s_______, it"s next to the supermarket.
3. Our classroom is in f_______of the library.
4. The car t_______ left.
5. They see a new hotel on the r_______.
2. The Main Road is very _________, there are so many cars and people. (quiet)
3. She doesn"t like the _________ jacket, she wants a new one. (new)
4. Tom draws a boy with a _________ nose. (small)
5. I think maths is too_________. (interesting)
2. I like living in a house with a small _________(花园).
3. Could you give me some cakes, Mum? I"m _________(饿了).
4. The supermarket is at the _________ (开始) of the Qianjin Street.
5. There are many interesting _________ (地方) in our city.
2. At the b_________ of the class , let"s sing a song.
3. My aunt a_________ in Shanghai.
4. The post o_________ is on Fifth Avenue.
5. You can see a big shop on your r_________.
2. There are many kinds of a_______ in the zoo.
3. I like penguins very much, I think they"re very c_______.
4. — Let"s go to the library f_______
5. —The e_______ are from Africa. —Oh, they are so big.
- 1为了把党的十七大精神落到实处,某市财政局在2008年的工作中,紧紧围绕发展与和谐这一主题,在财政预算支出方面,重点向“三
- 22010年为国际生物多样性年,下列对保护生物多样性关系不大的是( )A.将濒危物种迁出原地B.将动物领养回家C.建立自
- 3下面是为老师所写的上联,请根据内容,写出下联。师说弟子规,惠及百家姓 _________________________
- 4面对不同的文化,错误的态度是[ ]A、保持客观、平等的态度 B、尊重因文化不同而导致的行为方式的差异C、虚心学习
- 5日、美关系是亚太地区十分重要的国际关系。两国关系的亲疏与冷热,也反映了世界政治格局的发展和两国实力的消长与变化。(1)1
- 6下列词语中加粗的字,每对读音都不相同的一项是[ ]A.背篓/背井离乡 着迷/不着边际 卡壳/
- 7下列有关生态系统的叙述中,错误的是( )A.生产者和消费者之间的关系,主要是吃与被吃的关系B.阳光、空气和水都属于生态
- 8下列加粗字的用法完全相同的两项是[ ]A.骊山北构而西折B.族秦者,秦也C.后人哀之而不鉴之D.朝歌夜弦
- 9读“地壳物质循环示意图”,完成下列要求。(6分)(1)图中甲、乙、丙所代表的岩浆和岩石的名称是:甲___________
- 10A.过平面外一点作这个平面的垂直平面是唯一的B.过平面的一条斜线作这个平面的垂直平面是唯一的C.过直线外一点作这直线的平
- 12014年3月26日上午,重庆市人大表决通过《重庆市人口与计划生育条例修正案》并从即日起施行。这表明市人民代表大会是(
- 2When Chinese student Du Juan brought her American boyfriend
- 3赤道是( )A.0°经线B.90°纬线C.南北半球分界线D.东西半球分界线
- 4This table is made wood and this kind of paper is made
- 5请参照第二节,在横线上补上恰当的诗句。(要求化用唐诗宋词,语意连贯,富有意蕴)(3分)我们从唐诗宋词的墨香中走
- 6--Lily did succeed at last! --Yeah, indeed, but she was ____
- 7—I wonder ______. —On Guoqing Road.A.what’s your addressB.wh
- 8一个五棱柱有个______面,______条棱,______个顶点.
- 9在△ABC中,若sinA:sinB:sinC=2:3:4,则最大角的余弦值=______.
- 10从自然数1~9这几个数中,任取一数,是2的倍数或3的倍数的概率是( )A.B.C.D.