B. get on
C. going on
D. getting on
B. careful
C. heavy
D. normal
B. every side
C. all sides
D. each side
B. after
C. nearly
D. not later than
-Me neither.
B.So I have
C. Neither have I
D. Neither I have
试题【从 A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出与画线部分意思相同或相近并能替代的一项.。1. How do you get along with your study?[ 】;主要考察你对词法等知识点的理解。[详细]
B.a minute ago
C.at once
D.just now
sneeze loudly in public .
B. be careful
C. care
D. take after
B. As though
C. Even though
D. Even then
—I often exercise in a park. It"s close to my house.
B. near
C. behind
D. in front of
—The fashion clothes are sold in the super
market at the moment.
B. have sale
C. on sale
D. selling
B. looked for
C. looked after
D. looked out
B. heavy
C. hard
D. harder
B. join
C. come
D. spend
B. many
C. a little
D. few
B. likes
C. are like
D. like
B. put him there
C. forget him
D. leave him by himself
B. didn"t past
C. couldn"t
D. can"t
D. as well as
B. dress himself
C. have on dressed
D. wear clothes
B. come to an end
C. went on
D. ended
B. Few
C. Not all
D. Quite a few
B. are allowed to
C. would like to
D. love
B. a lot of
C. a bit of
D. a little
B. understand
C. guess
D. know
B. as soon as you can
C. as big as possible
D. very sooner
B. enjoy
C. have
D. love
B. amazing
C. beautiful
D. large
B. put; on
C. put; here and there
D. look; after
B. whenever
C. however
D. whatever
B. Please talk
C. Let"s talk
D. Be quiet
- 1根据下列句子及所给单词的首字母,写出各单词的完全形式。1. Take two of the pills three ti
- 2对于公式(f2≠f),若已知f,f2,则f1=( )。
- 3藏民做“糌粑”用的是[ ]A.春小麦粉B.大麦面C.燕麦面D.青稞面
- 4如图所示,FE⊥CD,∠2=26°,猜想当∠1=( )时,AB∥CD。
- 5用两个相同的加热器分别给相同质量的甲、乙两种液体加热,它们的温度随时间变化的图象如图所示,由图可知( )A.甲液体的比
- 6下列说法不正确的个数为( )(1)最小的自然数是0;(2)最大的负数是-1;(3)绝对值最小的数是0;(4)最小的正整
- 7把-885o化成的形式应是( )
- 8建国初期,大大提高我国国际威望的历史大事是,《 》A.社会主义改造基本完成
- 9已知二次函数,当x>2时,y的值随x值的增大而增大,则实数m的取值范围是_ __.
- 10为缓解交通压力,许多大中城市都修建了轻轨,我们看到:紧邻居民区的地方大都安装了封闭的玻璃屏(如图所示),这样做的目的是:
- 12007年4月,普京在一次公共场合抨击美国“几乎是毫无节制地”滥用武力,并且称美国所倡导的“单极世界”是不可接受的。这段
- 2下列计算正确的是( )A.26÷22=23B.(23)2=26C.20=0D.2-1=-2
- 3如图所示,在矩形ABCD中,AB=2,BC=1,动点P从点B出发,沿路线B→C→D作匀速运动,那么△ABP的面积S与点P
- 4【题文】依次填入下列各句横线处的词语,恰当的一组是(3分)(1)叶老同尊重许多老者一样尊重我,凡是他认为可取的地方都一一
- 5如图所示是歼-15舰载机在辽宁号航母上成功起飞的图片。飞机起飞后,航母受到的浮力将 (填“变大”、“变小”、
- 6如图所示,物体以恒定的速率沿圆弧AB作曲线运动,对它的运动分析可知( )A.因为它的速率恒定不变,故作匀速运动B.该物
- 7图表示大气对太阳辐射的某种削弱作用,下列现象不属于这种作用造成的是A.晴朗的天空多呈蔚蓝色B.日落后天空仍然明亮C.没有
- 8北京时间2011年3月11日13时46分,日本发生特大地震并引发海啸。震中位于日本本州岛仙台港以东130公里处。震级:9
- 9以下说法中,正确的是[ ]A.电荷处于磁场中一定受到洛伦兹力B.运动电荷在磁场中一定受到洛伦兹力C.洛伦兹力对运
- 10为我国石油工业立下汗马功劳的“大庆人“的优秀代表是( )A.王进喜B.焦裕禄C.邓稼先D.袁隆平