2. Many people buy newspapers at the newspaper a_____.
3. Mr. Wang had many reasons a_____ his son to become a professional player.
4. If you lose this c_____ to get this job, I think you can"t get a better one.
5. It"s very popular among the young people to wear j_____, even in the summer time.
试题【根据句意及首字母提示补全单词1. They asked me to o_____ a small English party to help them prac】;主要考察你对词法等知识点的理解。[详细]
2. They stayed at home _____ (一直) because of the heavy rain,
3. The boy practiced basketball very hard _____ (为了) become a professional basketball player.
4. Many athletes _____ (捐钱给慈善机构) to help poor people.
5. If you don"t work hard now, you"ll never _____ (上大学).
1. The Spring Festival is a t _____Chinese festival.
2. The young woman is pretty healthy because she e _____ every day.
3. People can get almost all the i _____ they need on the Internet.
4. I told him the w _____ story yesterday.
5. Jason b _____ a professional soccer star when he was twenty-two.
6. A _____ she is more outgoing than me, I am smarter than her.
7. It"s raining this afternoon, so all of us must bring our u _____ before we get out.
8. He was upset because he didn"t pass the math test a _____ last week.
9. We enjoyed watching the movie c _____ "Titanic".
10. Last summer, he went s _____ interesting and had fun.
2. The shop is o_____ all day. You can buy something at any time.
3. Mrs. Wang is very kind. She often e_____ us to work hard at math, though it is hard for some of us.
4. It"s n_____ twelve o"clock. Let"s go for lunch together.
5. John can speak English and Chinese b_____ French.
2. My rnom said she would buy me a new _____ (个人的) computer if" I got good grades in the coming exams.
3. -Did you open your present ?
-That box? Is it for me? I thought you _____ (给) it to my brother, Sam.
4. Don"t leave all the _____ (孩子) in the big house. I think it will .be a little dangerous!
5. With the teacher"s help, John made much _____ (进步) in this semester.
—Why not r______some money for him?
2. —Wow, you have such a good collection of coins!
—I love collecting coins, but now I feel worried for I can"t find enough room to s_____ them.
3. —Are you i______ in skating?
—Sure. I am a skating lover.
4. —When did you get your first p_____of skates?
—At che age of six,when I began to learn skating.
5.—Do you know what the longest distance run is?
—Of course it is m______
- 1某单位急需用车,但又不准备买车,他们和一个体车主或一国有出租车公司其中的一家欲签订月租车合同,设汽车每月行驶xkm,应付
- 2【题文】(23分)阅读下列材料,回答问题。材料一 “论中国政治制度,秦汉是一个大变动。唐之于汉,也
- 3The China Education Expo 2010 provides visiting students wit
- 42010年1月13日联合国公布的数据显示,2009年共有2412名阿富汗平民死于战火,人数比2008年多出14%。上述材
- 52009年6月4日上午,广东省委书记汪洋出席全省乡镇党委书记培训班学员座谈会。他强调乡镇党委书记是乡镇领导集体的核心。乡
- 6下列说法属于藻类植物、苔藓植物、蕨类植物共同特征的是( )A.都是多细胞植物体B.都没有根、茎、叶器官的分化C.都不产
- 7下面哪一幅图片表明“中国人民从此站起来了”? [ ]A、B、C、D、
- 8【题文】请补写出空缺的语句,与前两句构成排比,使语段意思连贯,风格统一。(4分)作一次心灵旅行,就以那一本本零落的古卷残
- 9洋务派在中央的代表是 [ ]A.奕 B.曾国藩 C.李鸿章 D.张之洞
- 10There are many other fruits _____ apples and pears. [ ]A
- 1下列词语中加点的字,每对读音都不相同的一组是( )(3分)A.弹劾/弹丸之地解救/浑身解数畜牧/六畜兴旺B.泊位/淡
- 2
- 3下列现象不属于排泄的是( )A.皮肤排出汗液B.泌尿系统排出尿液C.呼吸系统呼气D.肛门排出粪便
- 4“农夫早出暮入,耕稼树艺……妇人夙兴夜寐,纺绩积纴……”(《墨子》)下列对此材料理解正确的是( )①农民家庭有耕有
- 5根据课本,解释下面文言句子中划线词的意义。 (5分)(1)秦王色挠,长跪而谢之。 (《唐雎不辱使命》)(2) 将军身
- 6设数列{an}的各项都为正数,其前n项和为Sn,已知对任意n∈N*,2是an+2 和an的等比中项.(Ⅰ)证明数列{an
- 7依次填入下列各句横线处的词语,恰当的一组是①1940年2月17日,徐悲鸿在泰戈尔的 下见到了圣雄甘地,这为
- 8“蝴蝶效应”由气象学家洛伦兹于1963年提出,其大意是:南美洲亚马孙河流域热带雨林中的一只蝴蝶,偶尔扇动几下翅膀,可能在
- 9要想彻底缓解华北缺水的状况,其有效的措施是( )①引长江水进入华北②引珠江水进入华北③节约用水,减少水污染④大量开采
- 10已知全集U和集合A,B如图所示,则(∁UA)∩B=( )A.{5,6}B.{3,5,6}C.{3}D.{0,4,5,6