B. comedy
C. great
D. well
B. watch TV
C. see a comedy
D. go to watch TV
B. little
C. very much
D. very many
B. exciting
C. interesting
D. relaxing
B. on Sunday
C. on Saturday and Sunday
D. from Monday to Friday
2. 1"11 go swimming on _____(星期天).
3. The little girl can play the_____ (钢琴) well.
4. Do you have an e-mail a _____?
5. I can"t draw very well, but I can draw a l______
2. _____do you like music?
3. Can you play the trumpet_____ the drums?
4. —_____ you play the guitar?
—No, I can"t.
1. I ride my bike to the subway s_______, then I take the subway.
2. In China, bikes are the most p_______ means of transportation.
3. In my school, only a small n_______ of students take the subway to school.
4. I need to see my friend, Carrie. She is ill in the h_______.
5. Her son has a bad cough and it w_______her.
2. He _______to school every day because his house is near our school.
3. I always ride my bike to the s_______station
4. Her mother is ill. She has to b_______ her little sister.
5. There are sixty m_______in an hour.
6. Do you walk to school or go _______ bus?
7. —What"s your f_______ month of a year?
—It"s May.
8. —What time do you go to school?
—At 7 o"_______ .
可数名词: ________________________________________
不可数名词: ________________________________________
- 1补全对话,选择正确的选项填到横线上Tony: We get an invitation to dinner tomor
- 2解不等式组x+23>x+651+x3≥5-x-22.
- 3下图是某生物的精子细胞,根据图中的染色体类型和数目,判断来自同一个次级精母细胞的是[ ]A.①② B.②④ C.
- 4以下言论中,体现洋务派兴办民用工业思想的是( )A.“识时务者莫不以采西学制洋器为自强之道”B.“欲自强,必须裕饷,
- 51947年,人民解放军三路大军挺进中原时开辟或扩大的三块根据地,共同涉及的省份是( )A.陕西B.河南C.江苏D.安徽
- 6“比较”是确定事物之间相同点和相异点的思维方法,它为客观全面地认识事物提供了一条重要途径。“比较”也是一种有效的历史学习
- 7(12分)已知命题p: 为方程的两实根,不等式恒成立,命题q:不等式有解,若p为真命题,q为假命题,求a的取值范围。
- 8世界是最大的湖泊和最深的湖泊分别是( )A.里海、贝加尔湖B.贝加尔湖、里海C.苏必利尔湖、青海湖D.咸海、贝加尔湖
- 9漫画“清风两袖朝天去,免得闾阎〔百姓)话短长”给我们的哲学启示是①价值观影响人们实践活动的指向②作出正确的价值判断和价值
- 10某同学家中的电能表九月底显示3362 5,十月底显示3428 5,那么这位同学家十月份共用电______度.
- 1已知为钝角,且,则 .
- 2 (32分)材料一:党的十七届五中全会于2010年10月15日在京召开,会议研究关于制定“十二五”规划的建议。“十二五”
- 3选出下面文句中对加点的词语解释不恰当的一项:( )A.管仲世所谓贤臣,然孔子小之轻视,看不起B.上官大夫与之同列,争宠
- 4______是新中国的一位杰出的剧作家,又是才华横溢的诗人,还是功底深厚的史学家,他是一位从旧中国走向新中国有代表性的文
- 5读我国某区域年降水量分布图(单位:mm),完成问题。小题1:“石子坡”的降水量可能为A.370mm B.385mm C.
- 6某同学用显微镜观察“小鱼尾鳍内血液的流动”的实验,结合右图回答问题. (1)在右图视野中,血液流速最快的血管是标号___
- 7化简:
- 8一平直的传送带以速率v=2m/s匀速运行,在A处把物体轻轻地放到传送带上,经过时间t=6s,物体到达B处.A、B相距L=
- 9李艳同学伤心地说:“我小学时在班上名列前茅,以高分考进了重点学校,我们全家都非常高兴。进了初中以后,每天迟睡早起地学习,
- 10The committee has the plan we"d like to see