当前位置:初中试题 > 英语试题 > 词法 > 阅读短文,根据短文内容,从短文后的五个选项中,选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有一项为多余选项。David Beckham was born on 2nd M...
David Beckham was born on 2nd May, 1975, in London. When he was a young boy, he played football whenever he had the chance. Sometimes he would go and watch a game with his friends.  小题1:  . This led to him going for a visit to a football training camp in Spain. As a boy at secondary school he played for not only his school but also his country team.
On 8th July, 1991, he became a member of Manchester United.  小题2:  . On 2nd April, 1995, he played his first major football league game against Leeds United. During 1995 and 1996, David became a regular member of the team and Manchester United won in both seasons, with David scoring many goals.
  小题3:   . In the first game of the 1996/7 season, he scored an amazing goal from beyond the halfway line. Seeing the goalkeeper a little way out of his goal, David sent the ball over the goalkeeper’s head and into the goal. He continued to score astonishing goals, especially from free-kicks.
David Beckham is a great player, but he is different from most other players  . He has a real love for football. 小题4:  . He is always on the move with the ball or running to pick up a pass from another team member. He also has his feet on the ground and behaves in a very natural and relaxed way.
A. David Beckham is 180 cm tall and weighs 47kg
B. He won a prize at the age of twelve
C. When he is training, he never rests
D. David Beckham became very famous overnight
E. This means that he could practice football as much as he wanted to



小题1:根据后面的句子:this led to him going for a visit to a football training camp in Spain.可知他12岁的时候得了奖。选 B
小题2:从后面的句子:On 8th July, 1991, he became a member of Manchester United.可知这意味着他想踢多少足球就踢多少足球。选E
小题3:从上面的句子:During 1995 and 1996, David became a regular member of the team and Manchester United won in both seasons, with David scoring many goals.可知贝克汉姆一夜成名。选D
小题4:从后面的句子:He is always on the move with the ball or running to pick up a pass from another team member.可知他训练的时候一下不停。选C
试题【阅读短文,根据短文内容,从短文后的五个选项中,选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有一项为多余选项。David Beckham was born on 2nd M】;主要考察你对词法等知识点的理解。[详细]
  Once there was a young man, he sold fruits at the market every day in the town.   1_. He believe that the earlier he got go the market, the more he could sell. This made other sellers came to the market earlier and earlier.
To get up even earlier, he thought that if he ate his breakfast at night, he wouldn’t have to eat it in the morning.    2  . He went to bed stuffed(饱) that night, but he knew it was for a good cause.
Morning came and the young man was surprised to see that there were many people there.      3    That night he decided to get dressed at night so he could save time in the morning. He went to bed with his clothes on, but in the morning some sellers were there before him again.
    4    He carried his bed to town. That night, he lay in his bed and watched the night sky. The moon was full and he was very excited.     5    When morning came, the young man was so sleepy and tired that he couldn’t get up.
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As we know, being stressed is not a good thing. Here are some trips I would like to share with you.
Whenever you need help, turn to your parents and friends for help. It’s better to speak the worries out and get some advice from others, then you’ll feel more relaxed.
If you find yourself stressed out, find a way to let the feelings out. Do breathing exercises, listening to music, doing some sports and taking a walk may help.
When you calm down, it’s time to deal with your problem. You should find out what the problem is and figure out a way to solve it. If you can’t solve all of it at once, you may solve part of it. When you have found out what the problem is and started solving it, you will find your stress gone.
Every coin has two sides. Looking at the dark side can make you stressed and it won’t help solve your problem. So why not look at the bright side.
After you have solved the problem or part of the problem, buy yourself a gift, go to your favorite movie or just hang out with your friends. You will enjoy the feeling of being relaxed.
 A. Try to solve the problem
B. Reward yourself
C. Get support
D. Do not go mad
E. Always look at the bright side

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Confucius was born in the state of Lu in the year of 551 B.C. When he is 3 years old, his father died. And when he was 17, his mother died. And Confucius received a good education when he was young. In his thirty, Confucius began to teach. He spent the rest of his life teaching. In the age of 55, Confucius begins to travel around China. He tried to search for good rule of behavior. When Confucius was 68 years old, he returned back to Lu, his home state. He wrote lots of books after he came back. Five years after, he passed away. Although he has been died for several thousand years, we can still remember he forever.
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Forgetful President
George Washington was the first president of the United States.   小题1:  But it seems that the president was not a perfect person.
A New York library recently found that Washington borrowed two books from the library in 1789.    小题2:  If he were still alive, he would have to pay the library$300, 000 in fines(罚款), for it has been late for over 220 years.
On October 5, 1789, George Washington went to the New York Society Library.
  小题3:  He didn’t sign his name in the borrower’s book. He just wrote “President” to show who had taken them out.
The two books should have been brought back a month later, but they were never returned. Workers at the library realized the books were missing when they organized the library’s old records. The New York Society Library doesn’t expect anyone to pay the fine.   小题4: 
A. It’s said that he never told a lie.
B. He then borrowed the books from it.
C. However, he didn’t return them on time.
D. But it hopes that someone will return the books.
E. He kept the books, because he didn’t finish reading them.

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A: Sam, we haven’t gone out for over a month.Let’s go somewhere this evening.
B: Fine, where would you like to go ?  56
A: A new play is on this week. Let’s go and watch it , shall we?
B: Do you know what people think of it?    57
A: How about the film THE TOURIST?    58
B: We’ve already seen it. Don’t you remember?
A: Then let’s go to the neighborhood cinema.   59
B: Good. What time does it start?
A: 15 minutes ago.    60
B: Well, I guess all we can do is to stay at home and watch television.
A: I was afraid you’d say that … Now it will take me another month to get you interested in going out.
The newspaper said it was the worst play of the year.
Oh, come on, Sam
The film THE TOURIST is on.
To see a film or to watch a play.
I don’t think so.
What can we do?

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