Many parents let their children to watch TV only during certain 1_______
hours. Televion shows like books or movies. A child 2______
can learn bad things from one of them and good things from 3______
others. Some shows help children to understand the news of 4_______
Washington and other parts of the world. Some program show us 5_______
people and place from other countries or other times in history. 6______
With television a child does not have to go to the zoo see animals. 7______
They can enjoy a wonderful baseball game at home. 8______
Some programes even teach children how to cook or how to use 9_____
tools. Television brings about many places and events to us. 10_____
Mr Grey was a biology professor, and he had a big collection
of rare bones which he was very proud. One year he managed 1________
to get a new and better job at an university. As MrGrey was 2________
very busy, his wife made the arrangements(安排)for all her 3________
possessions to be taken in a moving van(货车)to their new home 4_________
while he was away from work. The following week three men started 5________
out take the things out of MrGrey’s house and loading(装运) 6_________
them into the van as one of them brought out a large wooden box. 7________
He is just about to throw it into the van with all the other 8_______
things when Mrs Grey ran out from her house and said, “Please 9________
treat that box very gentle! That one has all my husbans’s bones 10_______
in it.” The man was so surprised that he nearly dropped the box on his feet.
There are more than 3000 languages in world today, 1___________
But only about 6 of them are major languages.
More than 300 million peoples speak English as their 2___________
First or native ;anguage. Another 300million speak it as
A second language. No one know how 3__________
Many people speak it as foreign language. 4_________-
Chinese is only language with more speakers than English. 5__________
This is because the huge population of Chinese. 6__________
English is the world’s the most important language and 7_________
It is the most wide used language. It is the language 8__________
Of international business,research and 9__________
Science. More than three-fourths of the
World’s mail is written by English. More than 10_________
Three-fifths of the world’s radio station use English.
As the young woman ran by,the old man sat on the park bench 1_____
asked, “What are you running for?” the woman smilles. 2_____
“I’m not running, I’m jogging,”she said, she continued 3_____
her slowly run through the park.. Everyday, in all kinds of 4_____
the weather, thousands of men and women jog. Why has 5____
jogging -running slowly for long distances become so
popular? Most joggers begin because they hear it is a very 6____
good exercise. Jogging make the heart stronger and helps 7_____
people loss weight. It can also help them feel better about themselves. 8_____
Many joggers feel that if they can succeed in 9_____
jogging, they can succeed in other thing,also. 10___
A boy who were cleaning shoes in the street said 1______
to a man pass by, “let me clean your boots, sir!” 2_____
The man didn’t want to have it cleaned, so he went 3______
away. But the boy said, “You needn’t to pay for it 4______
if you like.” The man agreed this. Soon one if his 5______
boots was cleaned. Then the man put out the another 6______
boot, but the boy said, “You’ll have pay for this one. 7______
I won’t clean it if you pay me first.” The man did 8______
not want to pay, so he went along with one 9______
clean boot and one dirty boot on.
People laughed him, “Look! What a mad man!” 10_____
1.to watch-watch 2. like-are/seem like 3 one-some 4. of-from 5.program-programs 6. place-places 7.see-to see 8. They-He 9. 对 10. brings about-brings
1.proud-proud of 2.an -a/ another 3. her-their 4. 对 5. from-at 6. take-taking 7. as—when 8. is -was 9. from -of 10. gentle-gently
1.in-in the 2. peoples-people 3. know-knows. 4. as -as a. 5.only -the only 6. because-because of 7. the most -most 8. wide—widely 9. 对 10.by-in
1. sat-sitting 2. smiles-smiled 3. she continued-and she continued 4. Everyday-Every day 5. the weather-Weather 6. is a -is 7. make-makes 8. loss-lose 9. 对10. thingthings
1. were—was 2. pass-passing 3。对 4. to pay-pay 5. this -to this 6. another-other 7. have-have to 8. if -unless 9. along-away 10. laughed-laugh
- 1下列各组中划线字注音,全都正确的一组是(2分)A.睥睨(pì)芥蒂(dì)宽宥(yòu)摒弃(bènɡ) B.亵渎(xi
- 2childrenSimonand Jimare!They help Mrs.Licleanthe houseevery
- 3【题文】(14分)根据俄罗斯简图及索契位置、气候图,结合所学知识,完成下列问题。(1)俄罗斯地跨
- 4The fire made _____ difficult to rescue the people trapped u
- 5听句子,选图片。1. __________ 2. ____________ 3. ___________ 4
- 6吸烟,最易损害下列哪一部分结构( )A.气管、支气管内表面的纤毛B.肺泡C.喉D.胃
- 725. 布达拉宫是藏传佛教进行宗教活动的场所,它的绘画、雕刻闻名于世,体现了藏族艺术的伟大成就。中央政府拨专款对布达拉宫
- 8下列有机物中属于苯的同系物的是( )A.B.C.D.
- 9函数y=(a-1)xa2-2是反比例函数,则a的值是( )A.-1B.1C.±1D.±3
- 102006年以来,浙江温州制鞋业生产成本明显增加,迁移已成为温州鞋企化解成本压力的灵丹妙药。温州鞋企奥康在我国重庆璧山县投
- 1下列区域中,界线最明确的是( ) A.亚欧大陆B.长江三角洲C.温带森林地区D.亚热带季风区
- 22009年11月25日,国务院常务会议讨论并原则通过《关于加快发展旅游业的意见》。会议认为旅游业兼具经济和社会功能,资源
- 3在图所示的电路中,电源电压保持不变。闭合电键S,当滑动变阻器的滑片P向左移动时,电压表V的示数将__________,电
- 4下面句子没有毛病的一项是[ ]A.他正想进屋把爷爷哄得开了心,谁想爷爷竟把满腔怒火泼洒到他身上,不但将他拴在葡萄
- 5生物圈包括_____圈的表面、______圈的大部、______圈的底部,厚度约为________千米。
- 6阅读下面的文字,完成小题。(20分)孔子曰:“奢则不孙,俭则固;与其不孙也,宁固。”又云:“如有周公之才之美,使骄且吝,
- 7若5ax-2y与a3x+2y都与a4是同类项,则x=( ),y=( )。
- 8选出成语使用正确的一项A.两位著名演员同台演出,配合得天衣无缝,真是珠联璧合。B.这部小说情节跌宕起伏,引人入胜,读起来
- 9汽车的雾灯用的是_______光。紫外线是______光(选填“可见”或“不可见光”)写出人们利用紫外线的一个事例: _
- 10根据所给汉语,完成英语句子,每空填一词1. 我的梦想是成为一名探险家。 My dream is______ ___