(When Sara came home from work, she found her mother in an anxious state)
S: What's wrong, Mum? You seem upset.
M: It's your (1)y______ sister Jill. She should have been here an hour ago.
S: Don't (2)w______, Mum! It's not all that late and she has probably not (3)r______ how late it is. I think
she'll be here soon.
(Just then Sara's brother Peter came into the kitchen.)
P: What's up? Mum's on the phone and she seems as though she's going to cry.
S: It's Jill. She should have (4)r______ home by now and Mum's getting anxious.
P: You needn't feel so anxious Mum! You know what teenage girls are like. I'm (5)s______ she's all right.
M: I can't help but he concerned. I've just rung Lucy and she said Jill left her outside the cinema ages ago
to get the bus home.
P: Well, the bus service isn't very frequent in the evenings. Perhaps she (6)m______ one and is waiting for
another. Have you tried (7)p______ her on her mobile?
M: Yes, but there's no reply. That made me even more worried. I think (8)s______ must have happened to
Jill. Do you think we should call the (9)P______?
S: Calm down, Mum! You'll make yourself ill. Perhaps she switched her mobile (10)o______ in the cinema
and forgot to switch it back on again. Or it may need to be charged.
1. younger/youngest 2. worry 3. realized 4. returned/reached 5. sure
6. missed 7. phoning 8. something 9. police/policeman 10. off
- 1锯条放在火上烤一烤会变热,若在木头上锯一会儿同样也会变热,前者是通过 ______的方式改变内能的,而后者是通过 ___
- 2旧中国重工业主要集中在[ ]A、青岛 B、辽宁中南部 C、上海 D、广州
- 3阅读下面一段文言文,完成第10---12题。樊姬者,楚庄王之夫人也。庄王即位,好狩猎,樊姬谏不止,乃不食禽兽之肉。王改过
- 4把4g硫粉分别放在给定质量的氧气中燃烧,有关实验数据如下表所示.第一次第二次第三次O2质量(g)346SO2质量(g)6
- 5下列国家地跨两洲的有A.印度马来西亚B.阿富汗埃及C.土耳其 巴勒斯坦D.埃及土耳其
- 6补写出下列名篇名句的空缺部分。(1)谨庠序之教,______________,______________。(《孟子》)
- 7The manager told us that very little _______ was made of was
- 8探究生活现象,学会交友。材料一:小青是一个文静的女孩,由于刚上中学,和同学们,还不太熟悉,她没有什么朋友。其实,她好想和
- 9文学常识填空。(1)《庄子》是______的著作集,为______家经典之一,亦称_______。庄周,_______时
- 10鲫鱼是适应水中生活的一种动物,它用什么进行呼吸( )A.鳃B.肺C.气管D.体壁
- 1将下列人体的系统与其相应的主要功能搭配起来,并填在相应的括号里 ①消化系统A运送氧气和养料②呼吸系统B消化食物,吸
- 2国家名誉主席宋庆龄先生曾经有一句话,公就是公,私就是私,公私不分就是贪污。所以宋庆龄先生生前所阅读的《人民日报》《红旗》
- 3某工厂欲配制溶质质量分数为20%的稀硫酸,则所用浓硫酸(密度为1.84g/cm3,溶质的质量分数为98%)和蒸馏水的体积
- 4设数列{an},{bn}满足:, (Ⅰ)用an表示an+1;并证明:n∈N*,an>2; (Ⅱ)证明:是等比数列; (Ⅲ
- 5不定项选择下列关于减小远距离输电导线上热损耗的说法中,正确的是( )A.因为热功率P=U2/R所以应降低输送的电压,
- 6若将一定质量的硝酸钾不饱和溶液变为饱和溶液,则:( )A.溶液的质量一定变小B.溶液中溶质量分数一定变大C.溶液的
- 7池塘里生活着水生植物、种类繁多的动物、还有看不到的微小生物,这个池塘可以看作A.生态系统B.生物圈C.食物链D.食物网
- 8下图为人体血液循环过程中某物质含量在各血管内的变化情况。如果Ⅰ代表肺泡间的毛细血管,Ⅲ代表组织细胞间的毛细血管,则该物质
- 9(2011年浙江绍兴,4题)2011年5月1日起,我国室内公共场所禁止吸烟,从人类健康角度分析,下列有关吸烟的说法不正确
- 10熟读《狼》回答问题。1 、写出四个带“狼”字的成语。